Fudan-UiO Multidisciplinary Webinar on Ageing

Welcome to this online webinar on ageing, led by professors Xiuyan GUO of the Fudan Institute of Ageing and Ole Andreassen of the UiO Centre of Excellence NORMENT.

Red text on top saying "Fudan-UiO"; black text in the middle saying "Multidisciplinary"; red text below saying "Seminar on Ageing". Times below describing date and times for European and Beijing timezones.

This webinar will feature two sessions of three presentations each, all led by scholars from UiO and Fudan with expertise in the study of ageing and related conditions. 


First session, led by Prof. Ole Andreassen (08:00-08:30):

Dementia research in Nordic countries – novel opportunities

Ole Andreassen, Director of Centre of Excellence NORMENT, Faculty of Medicine, UiO.

Genetic overlap between brain MRI and mental traits

Weiqiu Cheng, MSCA Postdoctoral Fellow at NORMENT, Faculty of Medicine, UiO.

Mathematical modelling of healthy aging and dementia

Alexey Shadrin, Researcher at NORMENT, Faculty of Medicine, UiO.

Discussion (08:30-08:40).

Second session led by Prof. Xiuyan GUO (08:40-09:10)

Enhanced emotional stability and the neural corelates in older adults with long-term Tai Chi experience

Xiuyan GUO, Director of Laboratory for Psychology and Behavioural Sciences on ageing, Fudan Institute on Aging, FDU

Dynamics between psychological and physiological needs among older people

Jing LI, postdoctoral researcher, Center for Population and Development Studies, FDU

Proposal of collaborative research: Detecting Event-Related Ageing with Time-Locked Approach in a Prospective Cohort

Yang LU, Assistant Research fellow, Fudan Institute on Aging, FDU

Discussion (09:10-09:20)

Mutual discussion and wrap-up (09:20-09:30).

About the presenters

From UiO

  • Ole Andreassen is the director of the Center of Excellence NORMENT. He has worked with basal brain research at the Harvard Medical School and as a research fellow at the University of Bergen. His research interests concern clinical translation research in serious psychiatric ailments, especially the study of connections between genetic and environmental causes and somatic health in serious mental illnesses.
  • Weiqiu Cheng is a neuroscientist with focus on psychiatric disorders, with a Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellows in the Scientia Fellows II programme at UiO, supported by the EU. Her current research concerns heritability in schizophrenia, drawing on data from among other sources genome-wide association datasets, Norwegian biobank, and registry samples. 
  • Alexey Shadrin is a mathematician, working on mathematical modelling tools for mental traits and disorders, applying big data analytics. He is part of the research group on precision psychiatry and developed novel statistical tools to study the genetic complexity across a number of disorders, including schizophrenia, for his postdoc.

From Fudan

  • Xiuyan GUO gained her PHD in basic psychology at East China Normal University. Her research interests include experimental psychology, psychology of ageing and cognitive neuroscience. She is currently working to explore the psychological and behavioural characteristics of ageing and the corresponding brain changes using methods and techniques from experimental psychology and cognitive neuroscience.

  • Jing’s research interests are based in social psychology. She gained her MPhil and PhD at University of Cambridge studying social cognition. This led on to her current, two-year state-funded postdoctoral research position with FDU.

  • Yang LU gained his PHD in basic psychology at East China Normal University. His research interests include computational cognitive neuroscience, psychology of sleep and psychology of ageing. He has combined behavioural experiments, brain imaging, computational modelling to explore the mechanism of human ageing, learning, memory and sleep.

Published Dec. 13, 2022 9:31 AM - Last modified May 30, 2023 1:25 PM