Spring 2023

Islamic architecture


Time and place: , Eilert Sundts hus, aud. 4

Join us for a CIMS seminar and panel discussion on Rebel Governance and Kinship Groups in the Middle East and Africa

Time and place: , Selskapslokalet, Niels Treschows Hus, 12th floor

The Center of Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies (CIMS) at UiO is inviting researchers and students of all levels to a Master Class with Asef Bayat, Professor of Sociology from the University of Illinois. 

Time and place: , Sophus Bugges hus, aud. 3

Join us for a CIMS lecture with Asef Bayat, Professor of Sociology from the University of Illinois.

Time and place: , Eilert Sundts hus, aud. 4

Join us for a CIMS seminar with Jørgen Jensehaugen (PRIO) on Robert Capa's imagery and photography of Palestine, 1948-1950

Time and place: , Eilert Sundts hus, aud. 4

Join us at Eilert Sundts hus, this Friday, for a CIMS seminar with Serap Saritas, on 'Islamic Financial Securities: The Case of Turkey', followed by a Q&A led by Einar Wigen, Professor in Turkish Studies.

Time and place: , Zoom

Join us for an online CIMS seminar with Dr. Emmanuel Karagiannis from King's College London, on the environmental policies and approaches of Islamist groups

Time and place: , Eilert Sundts hus, aud. 4

Join us for a CIMS seminar with Mona Baker on Researching Protest Movements: Methodological and Ethical Challenges, a study of human and cultural collaboration during the Egyptian Revolution of 2011.

Time and place: , Eilert Sundts hus, aud. 4

Join us for a CIMS seminar with Sardar Aziz, on superpower engagement and relations with Kurdistan. 

Time and place: , Eilert Sundts hus, aud. 4

Join us for the book launch of Sunni City: Tripoli from Islamist Utopia to the Lebanese Revolution. Tine Gade (NUPI) discusses her study of the political history of Tripoli, and how it reflects upon wider national and regional dynamics of Lebanon and the Middle East, in conversation with Brynjar Lia.

Time and place: , Eilert Sundts hus, aud. 4

Join us for a CIMS seminar with Professor Jakob Skovgaard-Petersen from the University of Copenhagen, reflecting upon the cultural and historical trajectories of the Prophet. The conversation will be led by Ragnhild J. Zorgati.

Time and place: , Deichman Bjørvika (Deichmansalen, Underetasjen)

Velkommen til Arabiske Filmdager og samtale om politisk satire med “Midtøstens Jon Stewart”!

Time and place: , Scene HumSam, Georg Sverdrups hus

Join us for the book launch of The Modern Arabic Bible: Translation, Dissemination and Literary Impact, exploring how nahda translations of the Bible transformed Arabic language and literature. Rana Issa discusses her book, published by Edinburgh University Press in 2023, in conversation with Ingeborg Amadou Fossestøl.