Why Islamists Talk About the Environment

Join us for an online CIMS seminar with Dr. Emmanuel Karagiannis from King's College London, on the environmental policies and approaches of Islamist groups

Image of Islamist leader watering trees

Hezbollah's leader Hassan Nasrallah

This event will be held online via Zoom, open to all - Join here

Why Islamists Talk About the Environment

The environmental policies and approaches of Islamist groups have received scant scholarly attention. While there is a huge body of literature regarding Islam and nature, we know very little about how Islamists view the environment and its components. In the era of globalization, however, Islamist groups have increasingly addressed environmental problems and have offered solutions accordingly. More and more Islamists talk about planting trees, protecting water supplies, and reducing pollution. The presentation will focus on the emergence of Islamist environmentalism as a new phenomenon that requires a scientific investigation.

Dr. Emmanuel Karagiannis is a Reader in International Security at King’s College London’s Department of Defence Studies He received a PhD in Theology and Religious Studies (Islamic Studies) from King’s College London and a PhD in post-Soviet Politics from the University of Hull. He also obtained an MA in International Security Studies from the University of Reading and a BA in European Studies from London South Bank University. During 2005-2011, he worked as an Investigator at the University of Maryland’s National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism (START Center). In addition, he held research positions in Oxford University 2019, US Military Academy at West Point 2016-2017, London School of Economics 2016-2017, Princeton University 2010, Yale University 2008, Columbia University 2008, University of Pennsylvania 2005-2006. He is the author of Why Islamists Go Green: Politics, Religion and the Environment (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2023) and The New Political Islam: Human Rights, Democracy and Justice (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2018).



Published Mar. 12, 2023 8:55 PM - Last modified Aug. 30, 2023 12:07 PM