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Previous events - Page 8

Time and place: , 12th floor Niels Treschows hus

How has our understandings of relations between soil, plants, and fungi have changed over time? In this lecture, professor of anthropology Dr. Michael J. Hathaway will explore the role of fungal mycelium in engaging the soil matrix.

Time and place: , 12th floor Niels Treschows hus

The environment is having a massive impact on music, changing what music is and how it comes to be, not just what it is about or how it sounds. In this lecture, Dr. Kyle Devine, professor of musicology at UiO, presents the nuances in this Great Recomposition, and the importance of overriding our defaults. 

Time and place: , Arne Næss seminar room, Sandakerveien 130

Welcome to this seminar on China's role in Africa and Latin America.

Time and place: , Register for information meeting on Zoom

Do you want to better understand the environmental and climatic crisis, work accross diciplines, experience Place-Based Learning and communicate environmental research to a broader audience?

Time and place: , CEST. Register for webinar on zoom.

In this talk, curator and editor Jennifer Teets presents Electric Brine, a volume of poetry and critical essays by women voices from diverse fields such as literature, geography, media studies, history of life sciences, sociology, and poetics of science and fiction.

Time and place: , 12. etasje, Niels Treschows hus

How can personal engagement with planetary health restore human health and the well-being of more-than-human others? In this inaugural lecture of the Fellesløft project ‘Anthropogenic SOILS’, environmental historian Libby Robin, Emeritus Professor at the Australian National University, will review the emergence of the idea of the environment in the wake of the ‘dirty thirties’, a time when topsoil blew away – in both Australia and in the United States, and the hope of ‘feeding the world’ was threatened.

Time and place: , PAM 454

Welcome to Kick-off seminar 25 August 2022!

Time and place: , Sophus Bugges hus, seminarrom 1

What do we mean when we say and think "after oil"? In this talk Graeme Macdonald, Professor of English and Comparative Literature at the University of Warwick (UK), will examine a range of literary and artistic examples constituting a significant expression of petroculture: the post-oil imaginary.

Time and place: , Linken, Georg Sverdrups hus

In this lecture, the Medical Humanities and the Environmental Humanities meet. Associate Professor Eben Kirksey from the Alfred Deakin Institute at Deakin University, Australia, will introduce us to the "virosphere".

Time and place: , Georg Sverdrups hus

We invite you to our Environmental Humanities Festival where we celebrate the exciting work happening in the field here at UiO, in Norway, and beyond. The day will start with a keynote lecture by Jamie Lorimer, University of Oxford, followed by presentations by the OSEH Collaboratories, a pop-up exhibition, film screenings, a "green" choir performance, and more. 

Time and place: , Georg Sverdrups hus, Auditorium 1

A turn is underway in the probiotic approaches. Recalibrating modern antibiotic approaches and heading off their unintended consequences, the probiotic uses life to manage life, connecting the microbial with the planetary. This keynote lecture given by Jamie Lorimer gives critical insight into these interventions and their implications, and is part of OSEH's environmental humanities festival on the 10th of June.

Time and place: , Blindern, UiO

Are you writing your MA or Ph.D. thesis on Chinese cities, global urban studies, infrastructure, Special economic zone, urbanism, or the Belt and Road initiative?

Time and place: , Kulturhuset

We invite to a conversation on the role of education in creating alternative environmental futures. Tim Ingold (University of Aberdeen) will hold a public lecture at Kulturhuset on "Reason and Response-ability", followed by a panel discussion with Mette Halskov Hansen (UiO), Britt Kramvig (UiT), Felix Riede (Aarhus University) and Heather Swanson (Aarhus University). Moderated by Gro Birgit Birgit Ween (Museum of Cultural History, UiO).

Time and place: , Zoom

We want to invite you to an open evaluation with our PhD-fellow in Middle East Studies Vidar Benjamin Skretting. To comment on the candidates work, we have invited Assistant Professor Alexander John Thurston from University of Cincinnati 

Time and place: , Eilert Sundts hus, auditorium 1

Living in Hong Kong is to witness history as it unfolds. The city was handed over from the British Crown to the Chinese Communist Party in 1997, and is globally known as a skyscraper-lined economic powerhouse. It is also the site of intense political struggle. The talk brings together two Hong Kong activists who have shaped historical events and an historian who has studied them. 

Time and place: , CEST. Register for webinar on zoom.

What roles can museums and collections play, in the growing need to convey polyphonic narrations on climate change? In this presentation, Lotten Gustafsson Reinius discusses the multi-disciplinary dialogues and other co-curations as a tentacular weaving across differing knowledge regimes, scales and temporalities. 

Time and place: , Café Snorre, Niels Treschows hus

The research group Climate, Environment and Energy, KLIMER, warmly welcomes Prof. Dr. Ole Georg Moseng from the University of South-Eastern Norway. He is one of the few specialists in the history of early modern epidemics.

Time and place: , CEST. Register for webinar on zoom.

What can we learn from geographically marginalized regions such as the Arctic in a transition to more circular building strategies? Tine Hegli talks about the design and execution of a community Greenhouse in Vardø spring 2021, how material scarcity has encouraged resource efficiency, and the Arctic as a green leader.

Time and place: , Paris, map

In the week 9-11 May 2022 we will organize an Interdisciplinary PhD seminar at Centre Universitaire de Norvège à Paris, CUNP.

Time and place: , Zoom (sign up)

The Chinese political system includes several million full-time professional staff often referred to as 'cadres'. Who are these local administrators, and how important are they for the Chinese Communist Party's developmental policies? How will it influence an individual to become a CCP cadre? In this seminar, we will examine cadres' roles from the perspective of two case studies, one focusing on environmental policies and the other with a focus on gender.

Time and place: , CEST. Register for webinar on zoom.

In this talk, Green Schools Education Consultant Wayles Wilson discusses the sustainability and operational priorities for schools in the United States to provide clean air, water, and food, and why it is challenging in the current context. She considers sustainability in urban schools in the US a critical opportunity for environmental equity across the country.

Time and place: , P.A. Munchs hus: Seminar Room 10

Bron Taylor, Professor of Religion at the University of Florida, will draw on a comprehensive review of extant research by others, as well as his own research exploring contemporary nature spiritualities, and conclude by speculating on the future of religion and nature, near, medium, and long-term.

Time and place: , CET. Register for webinar on zoom.

In this talk anthropologist Florence Durney will present about her ongoing research on the intersection of indigenous and state marine tenure systems and marine environmental change. In particular she will discuss how climate-induced marine environmental change is complicating processes of living with, claiming, and negotiating marine boundaries for humans and non-humans alike. 

Time and place: , CET. Register for webinar on zoom.

In this talk, writer and diver, Ting. J. Yiu discusses her ecocritical creative practice through an aquatic lens. Centering diasporic displacement, she discusses how aquatic narratives and interspecies encounters are radical sites to subvert notions of citizenship, (re)negotiating identities, and contesting hegemonic environmental narratives.