IKOS PhD Midway-seminar: Negotiating self - the making of indigenous identity through the use of material culture within a museological framework.

We want to invite you to an open midway-seminar with our PhD-fellow in Museum Studies Liisa-Rávná Finbog. To comment on the candidates work, we have invited Professor Stein Roar Mathisen from the University of Tromsø.

Image may contain: Hair, Face, Eyebrow, Forehead, Chin.

Liisa-Rávná Finbog (photo: UiO)

The midway evaluation is organized in two parts and starts with a 2-hour public seminar, followed by a closed meeting.

The purpose of the midway evaluation is to assess the progress of the PhD project at a point when it is still possible to make small or substantial changes. In general, we want to know how the candidate is doing, how much work is done, and what is left, and which problems might arise, if they haven't already.  At the same time, we want to give attention to the great important scholarly work performed by junior scholars at the Department.

About the PhD candidate and her Research

Liisa-Rávná Finbog is employed as a Research Fellow at the Department of Culture Studies and Oriental Languages. Her project is connected to the lager research project Exploring indigenous perspectives on museums, with the title: Negotiating self - the making of indigenous identity through the use of material culture within a museological framework.









Published May 22, 2019 2:39 PM - Last modified Mar. 17, 2020 10:27 PM