IKOS PhD seminar: New Directions in Environmental Humanities

In this seminar we have invited Dr. Michelle Bastian from The University of Edinburgh to discuss recent developments in the field of Environmental Humanities.

Placing Time: recognising, adapting and co-opting the seasonal calendar

This PhD seminar will explore the question of how we might rethink the role of time in responses to climate breakdown and other ecological threats. Focusing on seasonal or ecological calendars, we will explore efforts to enact place-based times in changing environments. Each of the readings explore how livelihoods can or might take place via a renewal of local temporalities, while also shedding light on how these issues play out in Scandinavia, the mainland U.S. and the Pamir Mountain regions of central Asia.

How do I sign up for the course:

Please send an email to kari.andersen@ikos.uio.no by 22 April and specify whether you want to present something or not.

Deadline for paper is 22 April 2020.

About the paper:

The final paper should be no longer than a minimum 5-pages, maximum 10 pages, with text reflecting on the theme of the seminar and how this plays out in your own research. The texts will be pre-circulated among the participants ahead of the seminar.

ECTS points

Generally, you will get 1 ECTS point for attending the seminar, 2 ECTS points for a presentation or a comment. 


Key Readings:

Kenneth R Olwig (2005) Liminality, Seasonality and Landscape, Landscape Research, 30:2, 259-271.

Seraphin, B. (2016). Rewilding, "the Hoop," and Settler Apocalypse. The Trumpeter, 32 (2), 126–146.

Kassam, Karim-Aly S., Morgan L. Ruelle, Cyrus Samimi, Antonio Trabucco, and Jianchu Xu. 2018. Anticipating Climatic Variability: The Potential of Ecological Calendars. Human Ecology 46 (2):249-257.

Further reading suggestions:

Bulbulshoev, Umed, Karim-Aly Kassam, and Morgan Ruelle. 2011. Ecology of Time: Calendar of the Human Body in the Pamir Mountains. Journal of Persianate Studies 4 (2):146-170.

Ingold, Tim. 1993. The Temporality of the Landscape. World Archaeology 25 (2):152-174.

Malinowski, Bronislaw. 1927. Lunar and Seasonal Calendar in the Trobriands. Journal of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland 57:203-215.

Published Feb. 13, 2020 1:39 PM - Last modified Apr. 14, 2020 4:47 PM