IKOS PhD Mid-term evaluation: Ghosts and the State: Immaterial Agencies in the Blang Mountains

We want to invite you to an open evaluation with our PhD-fellow in China studies Daniel Mohseni Kabir Bäckström. To comment on the candidates work, we have invited Associate Professor Mikkel Bunkenborg from the Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies at the University of Copenhagen.

Image may contain: Person, Cheek, Smile, Chin, Eyelash, Beard, Brown shirt.

Photo: private.

The mid-term evaluation is organized in two parts and starts with a 2-hour public seminar, followed by a closed meeting.

The purpose of the evaluation is to assess the progress of the PhD project at a point when it is still possible to make small or substantial changes. In general, we want to know how the candidate is doing, how much work is done, and what is left.

About the PhD candidate and his research

Daniel is a Swedish-Iranian researcher from Stockholm, with a background in religious studies, China studies and anthropology. He specializes in the anthropology of religion and ethnic minorities in China.

In his doctoral dissertation Ghosts and the State: Immaterial Agencies in the Blang Mountains, Daniel investigates how people interact with things they cannot see or touch like ghosts and the state. The project is based on fieldwork with the Blang people, a Theravada Buddhist minority ethnic group living in the Zomian highlands along the China-Myanmar border.

Published June 28, 2023 1:32 PM - Last modified June 28, 2023 1:54 PM