
Time and place: , PAM 425

This workshop is designed for PhD candidates working with qualitative data, particularly interviews, in the humanities and social sciences. 


Time and place: , in PAM 489 and Zoom

We want to invite you to an open evaluation with our PhD-fellow in Japanese Studies Ben Grafstrom. To comment on the candidates work, we have invited Assistant Professor of ethnography and performing arts of Japan, Andrea Giolai (Leiden University).

Time and place: , Thursday and Friday: ROM for kunst og arkitektur, Oslo, Norway. Saturday: The Museum of Cultural History, Oslo, Norway

Can exhibitions be qualified as research-in-itself? If they can, then how? Which criteria should be the basis of evaluating and verify research exhibitions? The aim of the PhD course is to build a solid knowledge-base for understanding the relationship between exhibitions and research in the past and today, in order to collectively explore potentials and challenges for what can be called research-by-display.

Time and place: , PAM389

PhD workshop with Dr. Ricarda Stegmann and Professor Einar Wigen.

Time and place: , PAM 389 and Zoom

We want to invite you to an open evaluation with our PhD-fellow in Religious Studies Deva Nandan Harikrishna. To comment on the candidates work, we have invited Associate Professor Deonnie Moodie from the Department of Religious Studies, University of Oklahoma

Time and place: , PAM 389 and Zoom

We want to invite you to an open evaluation with our PhD-fellow in China studies Minh Khai Mai-Thi. To comment on the candidate's work, we have invited Associate Professor TJ Hinrichs from Department of History at Cornell University.

Time and place: , PAM 489 9-12

The seminar invites PhD fellows to reflect on the emic-etic relationship in their own text

Time and place: , in PAM 489 and Zoom

We want to invite you to an open evaluation with our PhD-fellow in Cultural Studies Ingrid Kvalvik Sørensen. To comment on the candidates work, we have invited Assistant Professor Anne Brædder from the Department of Communication and Arts at Roskilde University 

Time and place: , PAM 489 and Zoom

We want to invite you to an open evaluation with our PhD-fellow in Cultural History studies Zsolt Györegy. To comment on the candidates work, we have invited Professor Lisa Voigt from the Department of Spanish and Portuguese at Yale University.

Time and place: , PAM 389

We want to invite you to an open evaluation with our PhD-fellow in Environmental studies Nhung Lu Rots. To comment on the candidates work, we have invited Researcher Arve Hansen at Centre for Development and the Environment (SUM) at the University of Oslo