
The project results will be disseminated through journal articles and a monograph. 

Journal CoverZhang, Yichi. (2021). 公共健康与近代租界公园建设——以上海公共租界为例 [Public Health and Parks in the foreign settlements of modern China – case studies on the International Settlements in Shanghai], 城市史研究 [Urban History Research], 43, 280-92.

Journal coverZhang, Yichi &  Wang, Junzhe (2021). Chinese Garden Research in the 21st Century International Academia —A Diachronic Analysis of Journal Studies in the History of Gardens & Designed Landscapes and Dumbarton Oaks Library and Collection. Landscape Architecture Frontiers.  ISSN 2096-336X. 9(2), s 50-59. doi: 10.15302/J-LAF-1-020045

Image may contain: Water resources, Water, Azure, Font, Natural landscape.Zhang, Yichi (2021). China’s Vauxhall: Pleasure Gardens in Modern Shanghai. In Wolschke-Bulmahn, J. (Eds.) From Garden Art to Landscape Architecture: Traditions, Re-Evaluations, and Future Perspectives, Munich: Akademische Verlagsgemeinschaft München, pp. 33-42.


Journal ArticleZhang, Yichi (2021). Hebei New Area in Tianjin, 1902–1912 – implementing Japanese commercial and industrial urban planning ideas in China. Planning Perspectives.  ISSN 0266-5433.


Journal CoverZhang, Yichi (2020). From ‘Arcadia of the Literati’ to ‘Extravagant Enclosure’: The Tianjin Salt Merchant Gardens of the Qing Dynasty. Landscape Research (SSCI), 45(7), 789-801.


Image may contain: Font, Rectangle.Carling, Jørgen  & Haugen, Heidi Østbø (2020). Circumstantial migration: how Gambian journeys to China enrich migration theory. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. DOI: 10.1080/1369183X.2020.1739385


Zhang, Yichi (2020). Shijiu ershi shijizhijiaode Shanghai gongongzujie chengshigongyuan gongneng bianqian yanjiu [Transforming Urban Parks in the International Settlement of Shanghai at the Turn of the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries]. Zhongguo yuanlin [Chinese Landscape Architecture] 36(6), 125-9.


Zhang, Yichi (2020). Zouxiang gongzhong: Lundun huangjia yuanyou kaifang licheng yanjiu [Open to the Public: The Opening up of Royal Parks in London]. Fengjing yuanlin [Landscape Architecture], 27(10), 124-8.


Journal CoverHaugen, Heidi Østbø (2019) The social production of container space. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space (online first, DOI: 10.1177/0263775818822834). Video abstract. 


Journal CoverDong, Niu & Heidi Østbø Haugen (2019) Social workers in China: Professional identity in the makingBritish Journal of Social Work, 49(7):1932–1949. Free access link.


The PI's previous publications on related topics include:


Journal CoverHaugen, Heidi Østbø (2018) The unmaking of a commodity: Intermediation and the entanglement of power cables in NigeriaEnvironment and Planning A, 50(6): 1295-1313.


Journal CoverHaugen, Heidi Østbø (2018) China‒Africa exports: Governance through mobility and sojourningJournal of Contemporary Asia 49(2):294-312.


Image may contain: Purple, Organism, Violet, Font, Astronomical object.Haugen, Heidi Østbø (2018) Petty commodities, serious business: The governance of fashion jewelry chains between China and GhanaGlobal Networks, 18(2):307-325.


Journal CoverHaugen, Heidi Østbø (2018) From Pioneers to Professionals: African Brokers in a Maturing Chinese Marketplace. African Studies Quarterly, 17(4): 45-62.


A full list on Google Scholar.

Published May 20, 2019 10:51 AM - Last modified July 7, 2023 10:43 AM