Lifetimes Friday seminar with Mustafa Akay - Multiple Periodisation in a Seventeenth Century Ottoman World-Chronological Work

Welcome to the third Friday seminar this semester where we are joined by IKOS doctoral fellow Mustafa Akay. The event is open to all.

Image may contain: Forehead, Glasses, Vision care, Beard, Bookcase.

Time: November 3, 14.15-16.00 

Place: PAM489 and on Zoom (

Multiple Periodisation in a Seventeenth Century Ottoman World-Chronological Work: Katip Çelebi's Taḳvīmü't-Tevārīḫ

This work-in-progress focuses on the universal chronology Takvimü't-tevarih, written in 1648 by the Ottoman polymath Katib Çelebi (b.1657). The presentation will focus on two general aspects of the work: 1. the ways in which the work periodises and presents history, and 2. a new public practice of historiography that is visible in the work's repeated reproductions by the copyists and readers. 

Both points aim to provide a framework for the production and use of historical knowledge, which became increasingly publicised and diversified in the period in question, and its relation to the formation of the political sphere.  

Mustafa Akay is a PhD research fellow at IKOS, University of Oslo, working on changing narratives and perceptions of world history in the historiography of the Ottoman Empire of 1650-1900. In 2013, he graduated in Sociology and History departments from Boğaziçi University in Istanbul and started master's programme in History in the same year. He received master's degree with a thesis on world history and sacred history narratives in the Ottoman Empire.


Ingrid Eskild
Published Nov. 2, 2023 10:27 AM - Last modified Nov. 10, 2023 2:02 PM