The Great Goa Land Grab by Kenneth Bo Nielsen, Heather Plumridge Bedi, Solana da Silva

In 2022, Kenneth Bo Nielsen and his coauthors Heather Plumridge Bedi, Solana da Silva published their book, The Great Goa Land Grab through the publisher Goa 1556. The book scrutinizes the land grabbing in Goa and the often decidedly negative consequences for people and the environment. It is available on the Dogears Bookshop.

book cover, The Great Goa Land Grab, Kenneth Bo Nielsen, Heather Plumridge Bedi, Solana da Silva

Book cover of The Great Goa Land Grab

As written in the description of the book on the online bookstore, the authors based on their extensive fieldwork over 15 years to unpack how political and economic interests in the state have increasingly aligned to capture land in Goa, and the impact. They contextualize the Goa case into conversation with a larger literature on land politics in contemporary India to show a broader national and even global land trend.

Kenneth Bo Nielsen and his co-author Solano Da Silva were also interviewed by Frederick Noronha of CCR TV to talk about the book. The interview has been posted on Youtube. Please see more details of their interview to know more about Goa and their book.

Published Mar. 6, 2023 9:28 AM - Last modified Mar. 10, 2023 9:42 AM