Religion, Nature, and the Future of Religion & Nature: Assessing Environmental Behavior from the World's Predominant Religions to ‘Dark Green Religion’ Workshop with Bron Taylor

Bron Taylor, Professor of Religion at the University of Florida, will draw on a comprehensive review of extant research by others, as well as his own research exploring contemporary nature spiritualities, and conclude by speculating on the future of religion and nature, near, medium, and long-term.

Religion& Environmental Behavior. Bron Taylor. Cloud, Sky, Ecoregion, Natural landscape, Plant.

Image credit: Bron Taylor

About the event

Negative, anthropogenic climate change has been accelerating – harming humans, disrupting the climate system, eroding biodiversity, and some aver, portending an apocalyptic end of the world. Some scholars blame religions, or some of them, for promoting environmentally destructive attitudes and behaviors, others aver that religions are beginning to, or might, come to the environmental rescue. Still others contend that indigenous traditions, or secular worldviews, or newly invented forms of religious naturalism, provide proenvironmental alternatives that, especially if they continue to gain cultural traction, could precipitate the cultural transformations necessary to avert the collapse of today’s biocultural systems (including civilization as we know it). Drawing on a comprehensive review of extant research by others, as well as his own research exploring contemporary nature spiritualities, Bron Taylor will conclude by speculating on the future of religion and nature, near, medium, and long-term.

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About the Speaker

Bron Taylor is a leading scholar on religion and nature. His research focuses on various dimensions of environmental movements. He is the Editor in Chief of the "Encyclopedia of Religion and Nature" (2005). He is a faculty member of the Graduate Program of Religion and Nature at University of Florida. He is also a fellow of the Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society. You can learn more from Bron Taylors webside.


Published Mar. 18, 2022 7:53 PM - Last modified Oct. 14, 2022 12:52 PM