A new Turkish-Norwegian Dictionary (completed)

The project included work on a new and improved Turkish-Norwegian dictionary.

About the project

The previous Turkish-Norwegian dictionary, written by Bernt Brendemoen and Yasar Tanrikut (first edition appeared in 1980, the last in 1997), is too small for today's needs.

This project published a new comprehensive dictionary of 500 pages in the autumn of 2013. The dictionary contains more entries, idioms and examples than the previous dictionary. Corbacioglu's Norwegian-Turkish Dictionary (1998, 2004) was partly used as a model. Comprehensive research on the vocabulary of contemporary Turkish constituted an important part of the project. 


The project was partly financed by Norwegian companies having activities in Turkey, primarily Statoil.

Published May 28, 2010 9:26 AM - Last modified Sep. 7, 2021 1:28 PM


Bernt Brendemoen



Detailed list of participants