ERC Visiting Fellowship Programmes

Are you interested in coming to Norway and joining Whales of Power as a visiting researcher?

The ERC Visiting Fellowship Programmes allow scholars from a number of selected European countries/regions to take part in an ERC project in another country. Whales of Power would be happy to welcome a visiting researcher working on maritime religion, whale conservation, or a related topic in the Asia-Pacific region. The countries/regions that have set up Visiting Fellowship Programmes are: Flanders/Belgium, Czech Republic, Estonia, Poland, Slovenia, Croatia, Slovak Republic, Georgia, and Bucharest (Romania). If you are affiliated with a university in one of these places, and you are interested in coming to Oslo as a visiting researcher and taking part in the Whales of Power project, please send an email to the PI, Aike Rots.

Published May 20, 2019 10:53 AM - Last modified June 8, 2023 10:17 AM