Norwegian version of this page

Collectors of folklore

The Norwegian Folklore Archives contains texts, letters, photos and other source materials from about 450 collectors of folklore from the entire country.

Portrait of Peter Christen Asbjørnsen. Photo.

Peter Christen Asbjørnsen

Peter Christen Asbjørnsen (1812–85) was an author, scientist, forester, and not least collector and publisher of folklore.

Portrait of Jørgen Moe. Photo.

Jørgen Moe

Moe (1813–82) was a Norwegian poet and bishop, but he is above all known as one of the pioneers in collecting Norwegian folktales and popular songs.

Portrait of Sophus Bugge. Photo.

Sophus Bugge

Bugge (1833-1907) collected and published Norwegian folk songs and ballads. He is considered to be the greatest Norwegian philologist and linguist of his era.

Moltke Moe

M. Moe (1859-1913) was a folklorist and professor at the Royal Frederick University in Oslo. He is regarded as the founder of university studies in folkloristics in Norway.

Bust by Ivar Aasen. Photo.

Ivar Aasen

Aasen (1813-1896) was a linguist, poet, and collector of folklore.

Portrait of Magnus Brostrup Landstad. Photo.

Magnus Brostrup Landstad

Landstad (1802-1880) was a priest, hymn writer, folklore collector, and one of the most prominent intellectuals in nineteenth-century Norway.

Please see the Norwegian web pages for more info about and material from the collectors of folklore.