Documentary screening of "She's in Jail"

Hong Kong Committee in Norway and the University of Oslo is co-organising a documentary screening of "She's in Jail". It is free admission and open to all. Refreshment will be provided during the event.

Film poster, She's in jail

Chow Hang Tung, a Hong Kong barrister, labour and democratic movement activist, vice-chairperson of the Hong Kong Alliance of Patriotic and Democratic Movement in China ("the Hong Kong Alliance"). The Hong Kong National Security Law was promulgated at 23:00 on 30 June 2020 by China and implemented with immediate effect. It was a devastating clampdown on the civil society, human rights and rule of law of Hong Kong. Chow Hang Tung as well as the Hong Kong Alliance has become one of the major targets, in consequence she and the other leaders of the Hong Kong Alliance were arrested and later incarcerated. The Hong Kong Alliance after 30 years since founded in 1990 has been forced to shut down.

Since 2021, Chow Hang Tung was repeatedly arrested due to her Hong Kong Alliance leadership as well as June 4th commemorative activities. Since her incarceration in September 2021, she together with Albert Ho Chun Yan and Lee Cheuk Yan (current and former chairpersons) has been indicted for subversion of the state of China under the Chinese constitution. Until February 2024, their incarceration continues without a trial date in sight.

Chow Hang Tung was awarded 5 international human rights prizes in the year of 2023 in recognition of her steadfast spirit and sacrifice in safeguarding democracy and human rights of Hong Kong and China.

This documentary film begins at around 7 a.m. in the morning on 8 September 2021, moments before the police broke into her chambers to arrest her, followed by interview and narrations of many of her friends and comrades in Hong Kong and abroad about her personal history, also some pieces of her participation in the democratic and civic liberty campaigns. In the time when China ruthlessly clamps down on a jurisdiction having had a previously recognised rule of law and human rights, Chow Hang Tung, a Hong Kong democratic campaigner, stands up to suppression with unparalleled courage, continues to battle despotism, enkindles the hope of democracy, human rights and rule of law.

This documentary film is dedicated to Chow Hang Tung and the campaign she represents.

The film will be in Cantonese/Mandarin/English with Chinese and English subtitles.

Film trailer:
Facebook event:


Kina og Koreastudier, Institutt for kulturstudier og orientalske språk
Publisert 14. mai 2024 11:36 - Sist endret 14. mai 2024 11:36