Digesting Times: Exploring Temporalities of Food

Seminar room 2. Sign up here.

NB: Participation in the workshop requires signing up through the above link. Participants are encouraged to bring some (washed) fruit and vegetables to the workshop.

This sensory, interactive workshop explores the temporal dynamics that emerge as we come together to share food (hi)stories, practices and materialities. We approach foods and culinary practices as the media through which time comes to matter, connecting human and more-than-human bodies, species, soils and naturecultures. We engage with local foods and the participants’ diverse culinary cultures in order to imagine and manifest alternate food pasts, presents and futures. Acknowledging food inequalities, we want to explore whether and how sensory, embodied culinary encounters between human and more-than-human bodies can facilitate temporal ruptures and transitions towards more just food futures.

We invite the participants to bring vegetable(-s) or fruit for sharing with the group- please wash these before the workshop. However, if you do not have the chance to bring vegetables or fruit, you are still welcome to attend.

Bio: The workshop has been developed by Linda Lapiņa (llapina@ruc.dk), Kristine Samson (ksamson@ruc.dk) and Marcella Arruda (marcella_arruda@hotmail.com). It will be facilitated by Linda and Kristine.

Linda Lapiņa (she/her; they/them) works as an associate professor of Cultural Encounters and Global Humanities at Roskilde University. I am also a dancer, a psychologist, and a migrant. Informed by intersectional feminist thinking, my research explores entanglements of bodies, affectivity and place, with a focus on urban naturecultures. As a facilitator of this workshop, I am inspired by my interest in food (as) heritage, linked to remembrance, care and relational labour; and by my family history of relating to soils and sharing food origin stories.

Kristine Samson, she/her is an associate professor in the Department of Communication and Arts, Roskilde University. She is an urbanist and environmentalist interested in societal and environmental change through arts-based and embodied methodologies. Working specifically with co-creation, she is preoccupied with collective knowledge production across different communities and seeks to cultivate social and environmental care through participatory processes.

Marcella Arruda, she/her, is a transdisciplinary artist, urban researcher and architect of ways of being involved. Through urban interventions, performances, curatorship of encounters and pedagogichal programs, she explores the relationship between body and environment. She works with temporal spatialities and social sculptures as matter of agency and belonging. Currently, she is doing a Master Program in UFRJ Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, is part of The City Needs You Institute and of the Ecocidade project in Brasilândia, periurban area of São Paulo, Brazil

Publisert 13. juli 2023 11:44 - Sist endret 3. aug. 2023 12:29