Speculative Worlds: A workshop hosted by Laura Watts

Donna Haraway, feminist historian of technoscience, has repeatedly pointed to, “the tight coupling of writing and research—where both terms require the factual, fictional, and fabulated; where both terms are materialized in fiction and scholarship.” Writing is a world-making practice, always both factual and fabulated. Writing is part of the apparatus we use for world-making experiments known as research.

This is a practice-based writing workshop for participants to explore diverse writing methods. Participants will produce experimental pieces of writing based on their research. This will be a supportive place for PhD researchers and other scholars to generate speculative writing, using techniques drawn from literature and poetry, and then to consider how these speculative worlds can diffract and alter their empirical research. What futures might be materialised otherwise?

Publisert 13. juli 2023 13:41 - Sist endret 1. aug. 2023 15:15