Jon Nordenson med ny bok om internett og aktivisme i Midtøsten

Kan bruk av internett og sosiale medier muliggjøre politisk og sosial endring, og kanskje til og med demokratisering, i Midtøsten?

Book cover: I.B.Tauris

Det spør Jon Nordenson i sin nye bok, Online Activism in the Middle East: Political Power and Authoritarian Governments from Egypt to Kuwait (2017).


Forlaget skriver følgende om boken:

"Does the internet facilitate social and political change, or even democratization, in the Middle East? Despite existing research on this subject, there is still no consensus on the importance of social media and online platforms, or on how we are to understand their influence.

This book provides empirical analysis of the day-to-day use of online platforms by activists in Egypt and Kuwait. The research evaluates the importance of online platforms for effecting change and establishes a specific framework for doing so. Egypt and Kuwait were chosen because, since the mid-2000s, they have been the most prominent Arab countries in terms of online and offline activism. In the context of Kuwait, Jon Nordenson examines the oppositional youth groups who fought for a constitutional, democratic monarchy in the emirate. In Egypt, focus surrounds the groups and organizations working against sexual violence and sexual harassment. Online Activism in the Middle East shows how and why online platforms are used by activists and identifies the crucial features of successful online campaigns."

Publisert 27. mars 2017 10:16 - Sist endret 26. nov. 2019 10:49