Bergsveinn Thorsson er stipendiat i museologi

Bergsveinn er museolog fra Island, hvor han har jobbet sentralt i museumsmiljøet i ti år. Nå er han tilknyttet forskningsprosjektet Geological times: Geology and new regimes of historicity. Han presenterer seg på engelsk.

Bergsveinn Thorsson (Foto: privat)

I have an MA in museology and a BA in Art History from the University of Iceland. Before I started my PhD candidacy at the University of Oslo, I worked at the Reykjavik City Museum as manager of museum education. I've been involved in the museum field in Iceland for almost ten years, working both for art museums and cultural history museums. I was a board member of the Icelandic Museums Association for five years, and chairman for three years, working to strengthen the Icelandic museum field.

My work at IKOS is part of the research project Geological times: Geology and new regimes of historicity. My focus is on museums and Exhibition making. I investigate how different concepts of time and temporality overlap in the construction of knowledge museums. With special focus on geological, natural and historical time, I am interested in how these different temporal regimes are being re-examined and re-connected.

I enjoy spending my free time with my wife and three children (age 9, 7, and 3). Now we are working on moving from Reykjavik to Oslo, so the next few months will probably be spent settling in, exploring and getting to know the city.

Av Olaf Christensen
Publisert 24. okt. 2017 10:25 - Sist endret 24. okt. 2017 10:25