Museum Policies in Europe 1990-2010 av Lill Eilertsen & Arne Bugge Amundsen (red.)

Negotiating Professional and Political Utopia. EuNaMus Report No 3.

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Omtalen av denne rapporten på nettsiden til prosjektet European National Museums: Identity Politics, the Uses of the Past and the European Citizen:

"This Eunamus open access report studies how nations develop policy in order to deploy national museums in the redefinition of the national vision. In-depth case studies are presented from France, Norway, Estonia, Hungary and Greece, in order to examine the broad range of change occurring throughout Europe. The report also examines the EU as a new actor in these museum negotiations. The findings indicate that museums have responded to differing circumstances using five broad policy making techniques to engage in national redefinition: re-formulation, re-narration, re-mediation, re-organisation and re-professionalization. The report suggests that national and transnational narratives coexist uneasily in national museums due in large part to three competing utopian visions articulated by Europe’s various policymakers: EUtopia, Multicultural Utopia, and National Historical Utopia."

Publisert 12. nov. 2012 09:30 - Sist endret 21. juni 2023 13:14