Heidi Østbø Haugen

Professor - Kinastudier
Bilde av Heidi Østbø Haugen
English version of this page
Telefon +47 22854276
Mobiltelefon 45424913
Besøksadresse Niels Henrik Abels vei 36 0371 Oslo
Postadresse Postboks 1010 Blindern 0315 Oslo

Faglige interesser

Økonomisk geografi, nasjonalisme. Afrikanere i Kina, kinesisk entreprenørskap i Afrika, forholdet mellom Kina og Afrika, matsikkerhet, OL i Beijing. "Heidi Ostbo Haugen"

Har tidligere jobbet i Forskningsavdelingen i Kunnskapsdepartementet (2004-2006) og for United Nations World Food Programme i Vest-Afrika (2006-2008).

ERC Starting Grant (2019 til 2023)

BROKEX is an interdisciplinary research project funded by a European Research Council (ERC) Starting Grant. Heidi Østbø Haugen is the principal investigator (PI). The project will run from 1 January 2019 to 31 December 2023.

Chinese global engagements are deepening across sectors and geographic regions. The objective of BROKEX is to fill specific gaps in knowledge about how China’s extraversion advances. The project takes an original approach by examining brokers who mediate in transnational fields. It opens China’s global integration to analysis by moving beyond descriptions of input and output characteristics to elucidate underlying dynamics.The PI and three postdoctoral researchers will carry out ethnographic fieldwork in the Pearl River Delta, South China, that yield complementary information on the common challenge of brokering across geographic scales:1) Connecting low-cost Chinese manufacturing with African markets;2) Integrating Chinese academic research with global scientific communities;3) Attracting new foreign investments to China to underpin industrial upgrading (case study funded through Research Council of Norway project);4) Transnational architecture production.

The cases offer insights into the mechanisms of brokerage across distinctive sectors. We build on the empirical findings and literature to develop brokerage theory. Social scientific research on brokerage commonly uses the morphology of social networks as its starting point, and focuses on how actors positioned at the intersection between groups operate.

We're currently hiring two postdocs and one PhD. Website.

Unge forskertalenter-prosjekt (2018 til 2021)

"Theorizing brokerage through China's extraversion". Prosjektet vil videreutvikle teorier om «brokerage» – det å fungere som mellomledd eller megler. Analysen bygger på feltstudier i Guangdong-provinsen av internasjonal handel, forskningssamarbeid, og investeringer. 

Postdoktorprosjekt (2013 til 2018)

Postdoktorprosjektet mitt "Production, trade and consumption in South-South commodity flows: Re-theorizing from below" var finansiert gjennom Forskningsrådets FRIPRO-program. Prosjektomtale på Forskningsrådets nettsider.

Nettstedet U-Turn Asia er laget i samarbeid med gambiaske migranter i Kina som del av postdoktorprosjektet.



Emneord: Kina

Utvalgte publikasjoner

Fagfellevurderte artikler og bokkapitler

Tjønndal, A., & Haugen, H. Ø. (2024) Care as a strategy to navigate political tensions within the China–Norway sports coaching collaborationInternational Review for the Sociology of Sport (online first). https://doi.org/10.1177/10126902241247579

Haugen H. Ø. and Obeng M.K.M. (2024) Supply-chain Disruptions under COVID: A Window of Opportunity for Local Producers? Forum for Development Studies51(1), 165–187.

Haugen, H. Ø. (2024) Yuko Aoyama: Curiosity as Method. In: Contemporary Economic Geographies. Inspiring, Critical and Plural Perspectives. Bristol University Press 2024 ISBN 978-1529220568. pp. 89-100.

Haugen, H. Ø. & A. Tjønndal (2023). Winter Olympic Dreams and Foreign Friends. Made in China Journal. ISSN 2206-9119. 8(1), p. 62–67.

Haugen, H. Ø. and Huang, Guangzhi (2023) Becoming sanfei: the irregularization of foreign migrants in China. In Research Handbook on Irregular Migration, 238-48. Edward Elgar Publishing.

Braun, L. N. & Haugen, H. Ø. (2023) The Weight Women Carry: Research on the Visible and Invisible Baggage in Suitcase Trade between China and Africa, The Professional Geographer, 75 (1), 138-144.

Haugen, H. Ø. (2022). The Love Child and the State: Transnational Family Formation in GuangzhouNAN NÜ24(1), 134-160.

Ma, Xinrong & Haugen, H. Ø. (2022): How ethnicity matters in labour studies: harnessing ethnic marginality in Chinese manufacturing, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 48:19, 4712-4729.

Haugen, H. Ø. & Speelman, T. China’s Rapid Development Has Transformed Its Migration Trends, Migration Information Source, January 28, 2022.

Haugen, H. Ø. & Skilbrei, M.-L. (2021) Håndbok i forskningsetikk og databehandling, Oslo, Fagbokforlaget.

Haugen, H. Ø. (2021) 'Leaving on a strong passport: State protection of Chinese workers in Africa and beyond', International Migration, 59, 255-58.

Haugen, H. Ø., & Lehmann, A. (2020). Adverse articulation: Third countries in China–Australia student migration during COVID-19Dialogues in Human Geography, 10 (2), 169–173. 

Carling, Jørgen, and Heidi Østbø Haugen (2020) Circumstantial migration: how Gambian journeys to China enrich migration theory. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies:1-18. doi: 10.1080/1369183X.2020.1739385.

Haugen, Heidi Østbø (2019) The social production of container space. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 37(5):868–885. 

Dong, Niu & Heidi Østbø Haugen (2019) Social workers in China: Professional identity in the making. British Journal of Social Work, 49(7):1932–1949. Free access link.

Haugen, Heidi Østbø (2018) The unmaking of a commodity: Intermediation and the entanglement of power cables in Nigeria. Environment and Planning A, 50(6): 1295-1313.

Haugen, Heidi Østbø (2018) China‒Africa exports: Governance through mobility and sojourning. Journal of Contemporary Asia 49(2):294-312.

Haugen, Heidi Østbø (2018) Residence Registration in China’s Immigration Control: Africans in Guangzhou. In Lehmann, A. & P. Leonard Destination China. Immigration to China in the Post-Reform Era. Palgrave Macmillan: Heidelberg: pp. 45-64.

Haugen, Heidi Østbø (2018) Petty commodities, serious business: The governance of fashion jewelry chains between China and Ghana. Global Networks, 18(2):307-325.

Haugen, Heidi Østbø (2018) From Pioneers to Professionals: African Brokers in a Maturing Chinese Marketplace. African Studies Quarterly, 17(4): 45-62.

Haugen, Heidi Østbø (2017) Sending Forth the Best: African Missions in China. In Hodgson, D.L. & J. Byfield (eds.) Global Africa. University of California Press, Oakland: 183-192.

Haugen, H.Ø. & A. Tollefsen (2017) Samfunnsgeografiske metoder. In Lier, D.J. (ed.) Samfunnsgeografi. En innføring. Cappelen Damm, Oslo: 63-72.

Knutsen, H.M. & Haugen, H.Ø. Utvikling i globale verdikjeder og produksjonsnettverk. In Lier, D.J. (ed.) Samfunnsgeografi. En innføring. Cappelen Damm, Oslo: 95-108.

Haugen, Heidi Østbø (2017) Prospective moments, eternal salvation: The production of hope in Nigerian Pentecostal churches in China. In Kleist, N and D Thorsen (eds) Hope and Uncertainty in Contemporary African Migration. New York: Routledge: 94-112.

Haugen, Heidi Østbø (2015) ‘Destination China: The Country Adjusts to its New Migration Reality’. Migration Information Source, March 4.

Haugen, Heidi Østbø (2014) 'Take Over Asia for God!’: The Public Face of African Pentecostal Churches in China. In Adogame, Afe (ed) The Public Face of African New Religious Movements in Diaspora. Imagining the Religious 'Other'. Ashgate, Surrey: 105-124. ISBN: 978-1-4724-2010-7

Haugen, Heidi Østbø (2013) 'African Pentecostal Migrants in China: Marginalization and the Alternative Geography of a Mission Theology'. African Studies Review 56(1):81-102. Full text (pdf). Reprinted with the permission of ©African Studies Association (original link).

Haugen, Heidi Østbø (2013) ‘China’s recruitment of African university students: Policy efficacy and unintended outcomes’. Globalisation, Societies and Education, 11(3): pp 315-334. Link.

Haugen, Heidi Østbø (2012). ‘Nigerians in China: A Second State of Immobility’. International Migration 50(2): pp 65-80. (Free online access within institutions in the developing world through the OARE initiative).

Haugen, Heidi Østbø (2012). Hvorfor er Kina i Afrika? In Torgeir E. Sæveraas (ed.) Etter Afghanistan - Ny strategisk virkelighet? Luftkrigsskolens skriftserie vol. 25. Tapir Akademisk forlag, pp 69-80. ISBN 9788251928717. 

Haugen, Heidi Østbø (2011). Chinese Exports to Africa: Competition, Complementarity and Cooperation between Micro-Level Actors. Forum for Development Studies 38(2), pp 157-176 . Full text.

Haugen, Heidi Østbø (2008). “A Very Natural Choice”: The Construction of Beijing as an Olympic City during the Bid Period. In Monroe, Price & Daniel, Dayan (ed.),  Owning the Olympics: Narratives of the new China.  University of Michigan Press.  ISBN 978-047-207-0329.  Chapter 5,  pp 145-162.

Haugen, Heidi Østbø & Carling, Jørgen (2008). Mixed fates of a popular minority: Chinese migrants in Cape Verde. In Chris, Alden; Ricardo, Soares de Oliveira & Daniel, Large (ed.), China Returns to Africa: A rising power and a Continent Embrace.  C. Hurst & Co. ISBN 978-1850658863.  Chapter 16,  pp 319 - 338

Haugen, Heidi Østbø (2005). Time and Space in Beijing’s Olympic Bid. Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift 59(3), pp 217- 227

Haugen, Heidi Østbø & Carling, Jørgen (2005). On the edge of the Chinese diaspora: The surge of baihuo business in an African city , Vol. 28, No. 4 July 2005 pp. 639-662.. Ethnic and Racial Studies 28(4), pp 639- 662

Oversatte arbeider

Haugen, Heidi Østbø (2016) 尼日利亚人在中国:第二次固定性状态 (Nigerians in China: A Second State of Immobility). Li Zhigang (ed.) 广州国际移民区的社会空间景观 (The social landscape of Guangzhou’s immigrant neighborhoods). Guangzhou: Southeast University Press (Revised and translated version of my article in International Migration.)

Haugen, Heidi Østbø (2016) Migrants pentecôtistes africaines en Chine: la marginalisation et d'autres géographies d'une théologie de la mission In : N. Khouri and D. Malaquais, eds. Afrique-Asie. Arts, espaces, pratiques. Rouen: Presses Universitaires de Rouen et du Havre, pp 127-144. (Translated version of my article in African Studies Review.)

Haugen, Heidi Østbø (2016) Il reclutamento degli studenti universitari africani verso la Cina. In Mondo Cinese. 158(1):171-182. (Revised and translated version of my article in Globalisation, Societies, and Education.)

Haugen, Heidi Østbø & Jørgen Calring (2016) Sie wagen und gewinnen. Chinesische Händler in Afrika”. Der Überblick (Germany). 41(4): 19–23. (Revised and translated version of my co-authored article in Ethnic and Racial Studies.)


Alpes, Maybritt Jill (2017) "Brokering High-Risk Migration and Illegality in West Africa: Abroad at Any Cost". New York: Routledge. Book note in Journal of Peace Research (2017). Lenke.

Wyatt, Don J. (2009) "The Blacks of Premodern China (Encounters with Asia)". Philadeplhia: University of Pennsylvania Press. Book review in Journal of Asian and African Studies (2011) 46(6) pp 691-692. Lenke.

Marshall, Ruth (2009) "Political Spiritualities: The Pentecostal Revolution in Nigeria". Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press. Book note in Journal of Peace Research (2011)  48(5) pp. 686-686. Lenke.

Brautigam, Deborah (2009) "The Dragon’s Gift: The Real Story of China in Africa". Oxford: Oxford University Press. Book note in Journal of Peace Research (2010) 47(4) pp. 512-512. Lenke.


Pearls of wisdom hide ugly truth. Artikkel i Main & Guardian (Sør-Afrika) basert på publikasjon i Global Networks, 12. januar 2018.

Studenter var hemmelige misjonærer. Intervju i reportasje i Vårt Land, 31. juli 2017.

Må velge mellom troen og partiet. Intervju i reportasje i Vårt Land, 24. juli 2017

“You have succeeded!” Nigerian migrant churches in China. Blogpost on Migration out of poverty, 19 mai, 2017.

The best days of selling cheap Chinese goods in Africa are over. Intervju i Quartz, Magazine, 3. mai. 2017.

Håp og realiteter. Kronikk i VG, 22 januar 2017.

Flukt. Rådgiver for dokumentarserie sendt på NRK2 januar 2016.

China's African Population Declines Amid Slowdown, Crackdown. Intervju i New York Times (ved Lousies Watt, AP). November 18, 2016.

For these African migrants, life isn't what they were promised. Intervju i Huffington Post, August 10, 2016.

Le cauchemar des Gambiens de Canton. Intervju om U-Turn Asia- prosjektet. Le Monde Afrique av Sébastien Le Belzic. July 19, 2016.

Why Gambian migrants are giving up on their “China Dream” Intervju i podcast ved China-Africa project av Eric Olander og Cobus van Staden. 7. august 2016.

African migrants are returning from China and telling their compatriots not to go. Intervju i Quartz Magazine. 1. juli 2016.

Use Sience to Fight Ebola: Guangzhou's policy towards African migrants. Innlegg på US & China Visa Blog, 25. november 2014.

Ebola, Crackdown on Illegals Hit Business in Guangzhou. Voice of America News (TV), 26. november , 2014.

Cape Verde shopkeepers gain recognition. Kronikk i China Daily, 13. juni, 2014.

Featured Researcher i Social Science Research Councils nettside China-Africa Knowledge Project.

Ferro-silisium og ferdignudler. Intervju i Bistandsaktuelt, 1. november 2013.

Hverken djevler eller engler. Kronikk i Aftenposten, 1. august 2013.

Shifting gravity. Kronikk om innvandring til Kina i China Daily, 19. juli 2013.

Menneskene bak varene. Kronikk i Dagens Nærlingslivs "Forsknings viser at..."-serie, 1. juni 2013.

Eastern Promise in Little Africa. Intervju i The Global Mail (Australia), 25. januar, 2013.

Tale of Two Immigrant Cities. Intervju i China Daily, 25. januar, 2013.

Africans in China. Intervju for BBC Business Daily. 25. desember 2012.

Deltager i Forsker Grand Prix 2012. Opptak i NRK Kunnskapskanalen.

African Students See China as a Path to a Prosperous Future. Intervju i artikkel i The Chronicle of Higher Education (USA). 10. september, 2012.

"In Southern China, a thriving African neighborhood". Intervju i radiodokumentar laget av Nina Porzucki for National Public Radio (USA). 27. april, 2012.

"An African trader and the perils of business in China". Intervju i radiodokumentar laget av Nina Porzucki for National Public Radio (USA). 26. april, 2012.

"巧克力成"喜忧录 (Records of the joys and sorrows of "Chocolate City"). Intervju i artikkel i 外滩画报 (The Bund), 30. november 2011.

非洲商人的广州梦 (African traders' dream of Guangzhou). Intervju i artikkel i 小康 (Insight China), 1. januar 2010.

Hva slags supermakt vil Kina være? Debatt i regi av UDs Refleksprogram, Parkteateret, Oslo, 2. november 2011.

Hva gjør kineserne i Afrika?. I: P2 Akademiet XLIII. Oslo: NRK, Transit Forlag 2010 ISBN 978-82-7596-168-4. s. 63-73

CSR in focus in Guangzhou. Innlegg om samfunnsansvar, Det norske konsulatet i Guangzhou, 7. desember 2009.

Globaliseringens fotsoldater. Artikkel i Aftenposten Innsikt, oktober 2009.

"Afrikanere redder Kinas handel". Artikkel i Ny Tid 24. juli 2009.

"Verdikamp fra baksetet". Kronikk i Bergens Tidende 7. juli 2009.

"Hva gjør Kineserne i Afrika?". Foredrag i P2-akademiet, 16. oktober 2008.

"Sie wagen und gewinnen. Chinesische Händler in Afrika" Der Überblick: Zeitschrift für ökumenische Begegnung und internationale Zusammenarbeit 41(4): 19–23, December 2005. (Medforfatter: Jørgen Carling).

”Import av kinesiske studenter: en innbringende geskjeft”. Kronikk i Aftenposten, februar 2004

Publisert 5. juli 2018 13:57 - Sist endret 7. juni 2024 10:35
