Vladimir Tikhonov

Professor - Korea-studier
Bilde av Vladimir Tikhonov
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Faglige interesser

Hovedkompetansen er på koreansk/Øst-Asiatisk historie med vekt på følgende temaer: Koreas oldtidshistorie; koreansk/kinesisk buddhismes historie; Koreas moderne historie, særlig perioden 1876-1910 ; Sosial Darwinisme i moderne Korea/Øst-Asia; nasjonalisme/rasisme i moderne Korea/Øst-Asia.
Hovedinteressene for tiden er historien til rasebegrep og raseideologi i moderne Korea, samt synet på utlandet i kolonitida (1910-1945) i Korea og forhold mellom statsmakt og det buddhistiske fellesskapet i Koreas moderne historie.


Pågående forskning

Prosjektet "Revolusjonen går til Østen

Russland og Øst-Asias revolusjoner, 1870-tallet til 1917" handler om interaksjoner mellom de russiske revolusjonskulturene sent på 1800- og tidlig på 1900-tallet og de revolusjonære i Øst-Asia. Prosjektet handler om hvordan de revolusjonære i Øst-Asia opplevde den russiske revolusjonære bevegelsen mellom 1870-tallet og 1917. Dette er et interdisiplinært prosjekt som skal studere både litterære fremstillinger av de russiske revolusjonære i Øst-Asia, avis- og tidsskriftsartikler om opprørske hendelser i Russland og historien om kontakter mellom de russiske og kinesiske, japanske og koreanske revolusjonære.

Prosjektet "Voldelig religion"

Undersøker religion, nasjonalisme og militarisme i Øst-, Sør-og Sørøst Asia fra slutten av det nittende århundret (pdf). Prosjektet utføres i samarbeid med Torkel Brekke. Delprosjekt "Buddhisme og militær vold i det koloniale og tidlig post-koloniale Korea i årene 1920-1950" (pdf). 


Født:1973 i Leningrad (St.-Petersburg)
Utdannelse: Master i koreansk historie 1994 (med oldtidshistorie som hovedfelt); Phd i koreansk historie 1996
Ansettelser: Instructor Russian State University for Humanities 1996; Full-time Instructor KyungHee University 1997-2000; Førsteamanuensis HF/UiO 2000-. Professor HF/UiO 2006 -


  • Kåret av HF som forskertalent i 2005 


  • Redaksjonskomitémedlem – Korea Journal.


Emneord: Korea, Koreansk, Religion og politikk, Buddhisme


  • Na neun p'ongnyeok eui segi reul kobalhanda (I indict the century of violence). Seoul, Sør-Korea: Inmul kwa sasang 2005. 382 s.
  • Useungyeolp'ae eui sinhwa (The Myth of the Survival of the Fittest). Seoul, Sør-Korea: Hangyoreh Publishers 2005. 512 s.
  • (i samarbeid med Cho, Cheongnae; Chang, Hoeik; Hong, Sehwa; Pak, Honggyu; Kim, Chinae; Ko, Chongseok; Son, Seokch'un; Cheong, Hyesin) Cheolmeun nal eui kkaedareum (The Awakening of the Young Days). Seoul: Inmul kwa sasang Publishers 2005. 279 s.
  • (i samarbeid med Huh, Donghyun) Yeolgang eui soyongdori eseo saranamki (To Survive in the Vortex of Great Powers). Seoul, Sør-Korea: P'ureun Yeoksa Forlag 2005. 331 s.
  • Tikhonov, Vladimir (2024). 소련 몰락 이후 소련과 동구권의 사회-경제적 형태에 관한 포스트-소비에트 마르크스주의자들의 논의들 Soryŏn Mollak Ihu Soryŏn kwa Tonggugwŏn ŭi Sahoe-Kyŏngjejŏk Hyŏngt'ae e Kwanhan P'osŭt'ŭ Sobiet'ŭ Marŭk'ŭsŭjuŭija tŭr ŭi Nonŭidŭl (The Post-Soviet Marxist Debates on the Soviet and Eastern European Socio-Economical Formation after 1991), 포스트자본주의와 마르크스주의의 혁신: 이론과 실천 P'osŭt'ŭjabonjuŭi wa Marŭk'ŭsŭjuŭi ŭi Hyŏkshin Iron kwa Shilch'ŏn (Post-Capitalism and Renovation of Marxism: Theory and Practice). Chininjin . ISSN 978-89-6347-603-2. s. 21–56.
  • Tikhonov, Vladimir (2024). 복합 위기 속 동아시아, 평화와 공생을 어떻게 이룰 것인가? Pok'ap Wigi Sok Tongashia, P'yŏnghwa wa Kongsaeng ŭl Ŏttŏk'e Irul Kŏshin-ga (East Asia amidst a Complex Crisis: How will it Achieve Peace and Coexistence?), 동아시아 포스트자본주의 대안: 평가와 전망 Tongashia P'osŭt'ŭjabonjuŭi Taean: P'yŏngga wa Chŏnmang (East Asia's Post-Capitalist Alternatives: Reappraisals and Perspectives). Chininjin . ISSN 978-89-6347-602-5. s. 21–44.
  • Tikhonov, Vladimir (2024). 복합 위기 속 동아시아, 평화와 공생을 어떻게 이룰 것인가? Pokhap Wigi sok Tong'asia, P'yeonghwa wa Kongsaeng eul Eotteok'e Irul keos in'ga? (East Asia amidst a Complex Crisis: How to Achieve Peace and Coexistence?). Marŭk'ŭsŭchuŭi yŏn'gu. ISSN 1738-2998. 21(2), s. 112–133. doi: 10.26587/marx.21.2.202405.004.
  • Tikhonov, Vladimir (2023). Imágenes Coreanas de Tibet y Los Letrados Sirhak: Una Pluralidad de Verdades? En Torno a la Cuestión de un Giro Epistemológica en Corea(..), Periferas Imaginadas: "Barbaros" en el Este Asiatico, Desde la Antiguedad y a lo Largo de la Era Imperial . Editorial de la Universidad de Costa Rica. ISSN 978-9930-608-24-1. s. 211–232.
  • Tikhonov, Vladimir (2023). 지구화와 이주, 그리고 동포들의 역이민 Chiguhwa wa Iju Kŭrigo Tongp'o tŭr ŭi Yŏgimin (Globalization, Migration, and Return Migration of the Co-ethnics from Abroad), 잡거와 혼종 Chapkeo wa Honjong (Intermingling and Hybridity). Somyeong Publishers. ISSN 9791159058226. s. 304–335.
  • Tikhonov, Vladimir (2023). Medicine meets red feminism: Yi Tǒgyo (1897–1932), a pioneering Korean feminist physician. Asian Journal of Women's Studies. ISSN 1225-9276. 29(3), s. 319–343. doi: 10.1080/12259276.2023.2256947. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Tikhonov, Vladimir (2023). South Korean Migrants Policies and Human Rights, IN THE FOCUS OF KOREAN LANGUAGE, CULTURE AND SOCIETY (20 YEARS OF TRADITION IN THE CENTER FOR KOREAN STUDIES AT SOFIA UNIVERSITY). St. Kliment Ohridski University Press. ISSN 978-954-07-5781-0. s. 9–19.
  • Tikhonov, Vladimir (2023). A Borderland Radical: The Life and Struggles of Heo Seongtaek (1908-?), a Korean Anti-Colonial Revolutionary. Korea journal. ISSN 0023-3900. 63(2), s. 235–262. doi: 10.25024/kj.2023.63.2.235. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Tikhonov, Vladimir (2023). Chu Chonggǒn (1895-1936) – Life and Death of a Transborder Korean Socialist Intellectual. Studia Orientalia Electronica. ISSN 0039-3282. 124, s. 199–216. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Tikhonov, Vladimir (2023). 조선적 특색을 가진 마르크스주의: 1920-30년대 소련의 조선인 디아스포라 혁명가들의 조선에서의 일본 식민주의에 대한 마르크스주의적 분석을 다시 읽기 Chosŏnjŏk T'ŭksaek ŭl Kajin Marŭk'ŭsŭjuŭi: 1920-30 Nyŏndae Soryŏn ŭi Chosŏnin Diasŭp'ora Hyŏngmyŏngga tŭr ŭi Chosŏn esŏŭi Ilbon Shingminjuŭi e taehan Marŭk'ŭsŭjuŭijŏk Punsŏk ŭl Tasi Ilkki (Marxism with Korean Characteristics: Re-reading the Marxist Analyses of Japanese Colonialism in Korea by Korean Diasporic Revolutionaries in the USSR in the 1920-30s), 동아시아 마르크스주의: 과거, 현재, 미래 Tongashia Marŭk'ŭsŭjuŭi: Kwagŏ, Hyŏnjae, Mirae (East Asian Marxism: Past, Present, Future). Chininjin Publishers. ISSN 978-89-6347-561-5. s. 19–51.
  • Tikhonov, Vladimir (2023). 동아시아 관료국가의 형성과 그 특성: 한나라 시기부터 청나라 시기까지: 중국 관료국가, 관료적 능력주의와 자본주의 이전의 사회경제적 체제 형성에 관한 마르크스주의적 이해 Tongashia Kwallyo kukka ŭi Hyŏngsŏng kwa kŭ T'ŭksŏng: Hannara Shigi put'ŏ Ch'ŏngnara Shigi kkaji Chungguk Kwallyo kukka, Kwallyojŏk Nŭngnyŏkchuŭi wa Chabonjuŭi ijŏn ŭi Sahoegyŏngjejŏk Ch'eje Hyŏngsŏng e kwanhan Marŭk'ŭsŭjuŭijŏk Ihae (The Formation of East Asian Bureaucratic Statehood and its Characteristics: From Han to Qing: Bureaucratic Statehood in China, Bureaucratic Meritocracy and the Marxist ), 동아시아 자본주의: 마르크스주의적 접근 Tongashia Chabonjuŭi: Marŭk'ŭsŭjuŭijŏk Chŏpkŭn (East Asian Capitalism - Marxist Approach). Chininjin Publishers. ISSN 978-89-6347-560-8. s. 17–65.
  • Tikhonov, Vladimir (2022). 마르크스주의적 시각에서 본 러시아 제국주의와 우크라이나 Mareuk'euseujuuijeok Sigak-eseo bon Reosia Chegukjuui wa Uk'euraina (Russian Imperialism and Ukraine - a Marxist View). Marŭk'ŭsŭchuŭi yŏn'gu. ISSN 1738-2998. 19(3), s. 12–37. doi: 10.26587/marx.19.3.202208.001. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Tikhonov, Vladimir (2022). The Formation of East Asian Bureaucratic Statehood and its Characteristics: From Han to Song: Bureaucratic Statehood in China, Bureaucratic Meritocracy and the Marxist Understanding of Pre-Capitalist Socio-Economic Formations. Marŭk'ŭsŭchuŭi yŏn'gu. ISSN 1738-2998. 19(2), s. 65–110. doi: 10.26587/marx.19.2.202205.003.

Se alle arbeider i Cristin

  • Tikhonov, Vladimir (2024). 포스트자본주의와 마르크스주의의 혁신: 이론과 실천 P'osŭt'ŭjabonjuŭi wa Marŭk'ŭsŭjuŭi ŭi Hyŏkshin Iron kwa Shilch'ŏn (Post-Capitalism and Renovation of Marxism: Theory and Practice). Chininjin . ISBN 978-89-6347-603-2. 324 s.
  • Tikhonov, Vladimir (2024). 동아시아 포스트자본주의 대안: 평가와 전망 Tongashia P'osŭt'ŭjabonjuŭi Taean: P'yŏngga wa Chŏnmang (East Asia's Post-Capitalist Alternatives: Reappraisals and Perspectives). Chininjin . ISBN 978-89-6347-602-5. 354 s.
  • Tikhonov, Vladimir (2024). 전쟁 이후의 세계 - 다원 패권 시대, 한국의 선택 Chŏnjaeng Ihu ŭi Segye - Tawŏn P'aegwŏn Shidae, Han'guk ŭi Sŏnt'aek (The Postwar World - The Age of Plural Hegemony, South Korea's Choice). Hangyoreh Publishers. ISBN 9791172130015. 316 s.
  • Tikhonov, Vladimir; Lim, Kyounghwa; Ch'a, Yonggu & Son, Chunsik (2023). 잡거와 혼종 Chapkeo wa Honjong (Intermingling and Hybridity). Somyeong Publishers. ISBN 9791159058226. 380 s.
  • Tikhonov, Vladimir (2023). The Red Decades: Communism as Movement and Culture in Korea, 1919–1945. University of Hawai'i Press. ISBN 9780824893576. 420 s.
  • Tikhonov, Vladimir; Aneta, Dimitrova & Yana, Mancheva (2023). IN THE FOCUS OF KOREAN LANGUAGE, CULTURE AND SOCIETY (20 YEARS OF TRADITION IN THE CENTER FOR KOREAN STUDIES AT SOFIA UNIVERSITY). St. Kliment Ohridski University Press. ISBN 978-954-07-5781-0. 222 s.
  • Tikhonov, Vladimir (2023). 동아시아 마르크스주의: 과거, 현재, 미래 Tongashia Marŭk'ŭsŭjuŭi: Kwagŏ, Hyŏnjae, Mirae (East Asian Marxism: Past, Present, Future). Chininjin Publishers. ISBN 978-89-6347-561-5. 348 s.
  • Tikhonov, Vladimir (2023). 동아시아 자본주의: 마르크스주의적 접근 Tongashia Chabonjuŭi: Marŭk'ŭsŭjuŭijŏk Chŏpkŭn (East Asian Capitalism - Marxist Approach). Chininjin Publishers. ISBN 978-89-6347-560-8. 328 s.
  • Tikhonov, Vladimir; Eggert, Marion & Eun-Jeung, Lee (2022). Intellectuals In Between: Koreans in a Changing World, 1850 to 1945 . Peter Lang Publishing Group. ISBN 978-3-631-85746-5. 184 s.
  • Tikhonov, Vladimir (2022). 인권 현장으로 떠나는 평화로운 화요일 Inkweon Hyeonjang euro Tteonaneun P'yeonghwaroun Hwayoil (A Peaceful Tuesday when I Depart to the Place where Human Rights [are Defended]). Mal. ISBN 9791187342205. 247 s.

Se alle arbeider i Cristin

  • Tikhonov, Vladimir (2024). 초저출산, 여유 없는 삶의 그늘 Ch'ojŏch'ulsan Yŏyu Ŏmnŭn Salmŭi Kŭnŭl (Super-low Fertility Rate, a Shadow of Leisure-less Life). Hangyoreh sinmun. ISSN 1228-4017.
  • Tikhonov, Vladimir (2024). A War for the Coming Multipolar World? How Anti-Hegemonism Sometimes Evolves into ProPutin Stance among South Korean Left.
  • Tikhonov, Vladimir (2024). ‘큰 북한’으로 변해가는 러시아 K'eun Pukhan euro Pyeonhae kaneun Reosia (Russia is Becoming a "Big North Korea"). Hangyoreh sinmun. ISSN 1228-4017.
  • Tikhonov, Vladimir (2024). Russian Invasion of Ukraine and Korean Left: the Phenomenon of ‘Leftist Putinism’.
  • Tikhonov, Vladimir (2024). 전쟁의 시대를 어떻게 헤쳐나갈 것인가? 세계 정세와 한반도 평화 (How do we survive the Age of Wars? World's Political Situation and Peace in Korea).
  • Tikhonov, Vladimir (2024). 러시아는 왜 전쟁을 멈출 수 없는가? (Why Russia Cannot Stop its War?).
  • Tikhonov, Vladimir (2024). Yi Ch’ŏngwŏn (李淸源, 1914-?) and his 1947 Modern History of Korea (<朝鮮近代史硏究>): Understanding North Korean Historiography’s Roots.
  • Tikhonov, Vladimir (2024). 세계체제, 패권,전쟁: 우리 시대에 대한 체계적인 이해 The World-system, Hegemony, War: A Structural Understanding of our Times.
  • Tikhonov, Vladimir (2024). 레닌그라드에 왔던 핀란드 자본주의 Leningeuradeu e Watteon P'inlandeu Chabonjueui (Finnish Capitalism which Came to Leningrad). Hangyoreh sinmun. ISSN 1228-4017.
  • Tikhonov, Vladimir (2024). 이청원 (李淸源, 1914-?) and his (1947).
  • Tikhonov, Vladimir (2024). 한국 강경 우파가 패배할 수밖에 없는 이유 Han'guk Kanggyŏng Up'a ga P'aebaehal su pakk e Ŏmnŭn Iyu (Why South Korean Far Right is Doomed to a Defeat). Hangyoreh sinmun. ISSN 1228-4017.
  • Tikhonov, Vladimir (2024). 전쟁의 시대를 헤쳐 나가는 방법: 세계 질서는 어떻게 재편돼 가는가? Surviving the Age of Warfare: How is Global Order Metamorphizing Now? .
  • Tikhonov, Vladimir (2024). Soviet Jews As Historical Actors North of the 38th Parallel.
  • Tikhonov, Vladimir (2024). Book talk The Red Decades: Communism as Movement and Culture in Korea, 1919-1945 .
  • Tikhonov, Vladimir (2024). K-dramaer - historien og nåtiden (K-dramas - the History and the Present).
  • Tikhonov, Vladimir (2024). 남북, ‘동족’은 아니라 해도 적이 될 필요야…Nambuk, 'Tongjok' ŭn Anira Haedo Chŏk i Toel P'iryoya...(South and North Korea, Do Not Have To Be Enemies Even If They Are Not 'Compatriots'...). Hangyoreh sinmun. ISSN 1228-4017.
  • Tikhonov, Vladimir (2024). 한국의 '글로벌' 담론을 추적하다 Han'guk ŭi Kŭllobŏl Tamnon ŭl Ch'ujŏk'ada (Tracing South Korea's 'Global' Discourses). Ch'angjak-kwa pip'eong (Creation and Criticism). 203, s. 1–10.
  • Tikhonov, Vladimir (2024). 우크라이나, 미국 실패의 그림자 Uk'ŭraina, Miguk Shilp'ae ŭi Kŭrimja (The Shadow of American Failure over Ukraine). Hangyoreh sinmun. ISSN 1228-4017.
  • Tikhonov, Vladimir (2023). Introductory Lecture for the Book Launching Seminar for <The Red Decades: Communism as Movement and Culture in Korea, 1919-1945>.
  • Tikhonov, Vladimir (2023). 세계 자본주의 체제 맥락에서 전쟁의 배경과 의미: 우크라이나에서 대만, 한반도까지 The Context and Backdrop of the War-making in the Capitalist World-system's Framework: from Ukraine to Taiwan and Korean Peninsula.
  • Tikhonov, Vladimir (2023). 방문동거 비자, 또 하나의 차별 Pangmun Tonggŏ Pija Tto Hana ŭi Ch'abyŏl (The Visa for non-Ethnic Korean Dependents - Yet Another Discrimination). Hangyoreh sinmun. ISSN 1228-4017.
  • Tikhonov, Vladimir (2023). Book Talk: The Red Decades: Communism as Movement and Culture in Korea, 1919-1945.
  • Tikhonov, Vladimir (2023). North Korea in Norway: Relationship, Images, and Realities.
  • Tikhonov, Vladimir (2023). ‘전쟁의 해’ 2023년이 우리에게 주는 교훈 Chŏnjaeng ŭi Hae 2023Nyŏn i Uri ege Chunŭn Kyohun (The Lessons Given to Us by 2023, a Year of War). Hangyoreh sinmun. ISSN 1228-4017.
  • Tikhonov, Vladimir (2023). 윤석열 정부와 한·러 관계: 한반도 평화 본위의 접근이 요구된다 Yun Sook Yeol's Government and Russo-Korean Relations: A Peace-oriented Approach is Needed.
  • Tikhonov, Vladimir (2023). 탈국가・탈민족의 동아시아 평화공생체로 가는 길 Beyond the National Boundaries: The Way towards a Community of Peace in East Asia.
  • Tikhonov, Vladimir (2023). 함흥 태생의 여의사 이덕요: 의학, 사회주의, 그리고 페미니즘 Hamheung-born Female Doctor Yi Deogyo: Medicine, Socialism and Feminism.
  • Tikhonov, Vladimir (2023). 의학, 적색 페미니즘과 조우한다: 이덕요(1897-1932), 사회주의적 페미니즘의 선구자 Medicine meets red feminism: Lee Deok-yo (1897-1932), pioneer of socialist feminism.
  • Tikhonov, Vladimir (2023). 가야세계문화유산 등재기념 특강 및 토크쇼 Special Lecture and Talk Show in Commemoration of Kaya Cultural Legacies' Registration as UNESCO World Heritage.
  • Tikhonov, Vladimir (2023). 서방언론은 외면한 북-러 밀착의 의미들 Sŏbangŏllonŭn Oemyŏnhan Puk Rŏ Milch'ak ŭi Ŭimi tŭl (The Meanings of the DPRK-Russian Honeymoon Ignored by Western Media). Hangyoreh sinmun. ISSN 1228-4017.
  • Tikhonov, Vladimir (2023). 한동훈 장관의 이민철학이 우려스러운 이유 Han Tonghun Changgwan ŭi Imin Ch'ŏrhak i Uryŏsŭrŏun Iyu (The Reason Why Minister Han Tonghun's Philosophy on Immigration is Worrisome) . Hangyoreh sinmun. ISSN 1228-4017.
  • Tikhonov, Vladimir (2023). 한국 사회주의자 한위건 A Korean socialist, Han Wigeon.
  • Tikhonov, Vladimir (2023). 우리는 왜 이토록 오만해졌을까 Urineun wae it'orok omanhaejyeosseulkka (Why did we Become so Arrogant?). Hangyoreh sinmun. ISSN 1228-4017.
  • Tikhonov, Vladimir (2023). 러시아 좌파와 전쟁 Rŏshia Chwap'a wa Chŏnjaeng (Russia's Left and the War). Tongbuga Watch. ISSN 2982-8740. 18, s. 1–3.
  • Tikhonov, Vladimir (2023). Cho Seung-bog – An Academic Life in Overlapping Contact Zones.
  • Tikhonov, Vladimir (2023). 북한 인권을 걱정한다면 남북교류부터 재개를 Pukhan Ingwon eul Keokjeonghandamyeon Nambuk kyoryu put'eo chaegae reul (If You Worry about North Korean Human Rights, Restart South-North Korean Contacts). Hangyoreh sinmun. ISSN 1228-4017.
  • Tikhonov, Vladimir & Myrtveit, Aase Cathrine (2023). Ideologi i Nord-Korea. [Radio]. NRK P2 Verdibørsen.
  • Tikhonov, Vladimir (2023). South Korea's Migrants: between Bloodline Nationalism and Citizen Community Belonging.
  • Tikhonov, Vladimir (2023). South Korean Migrant Policies and Human Rights.
  • Tikhonov, Vladimir (2023). 한국 사회 현실과 미래 전망 (South Korean Society: Realities and Future Prospects).
  • Tikhonov, Vladimir (2023). Non-Stalinist Western Left, Korean War and North Korea: the Early 1950s.
  • Tikhonov, Vladimir (2023). 혐중을 넘어 균형 잡힌 중국관을 위해서 Hyŏmjung ŭl nŏmŏ kyunhyŏng chap'in chunggukkwan ŭl wihaesŏ (Beyond Sinophobia: for a Balanced View of China).
  • Tikhonov, Vladimir (2023). 한국인의 전례없는 친미화를 어떻게 볼 것인가 Han'guginŭi chŏllye ŏmnŭn ch'inmihwa rŭl ŏttŏk'e pol kŏshin'ga (How Should [We] View the Unprecedented Pro-American Turn in South Korea?). Hangyoreh sinmun. ISSN 1228-4017.
  • Tikhonov, Vladimir (2023). The History of Eurasia's Russophone Koreans in the Global Perspective .
  • Tikhonov, Vladimir (2023). Soviet-Korean Literature of the 1930s.
  • Tikhonov, Vladimir (2023). 신냉전 시대의 신권위주의 Neoauthoritarianism in the New Cold War Era.
  • Tikhonov, Vladimir (2023). ‘시험 공화국’의 짙은 그늘 Sihŏm Konghwaguk ŭi Chit'ŭn Kŭnŭl (Thick Shadow of the "Examinations Republic"). Hangyoreh sinmun. ISSN 1228-4017.
  • Tikhonov, Vladimir (2023). Korean Revolutionary Nationalism in Soviet Garb – the 1937 Soviet-Korean Writings’ Collection, the Fatherland of Toilers.
  • Tikhonov, Vladimir (2023). 신권위주의, 외로운 이들을 사로잡는 지배전략 Shin'gwŏnwijuŭi, Oeroun i dŭr ŭl Sarojamnŭn Chibae Chŏllyak (Neo-Authoritarianism: Domination Strategy of Captivating the Lonely People). Hangyoreh sinmun. ISSN 1228-4017.
  • Tikhonov, Vladimir (2023). BOOK REVIEW Supercorporate: distinction and participation in post-hierarchy South Korea by Michael Prentice, Stanford University Press, 2022. Asian Studies Review. ISSN 1035-7823. 47(1), s. 205–207. doi: 10.1080/10357823.2023.2158515.
  • Tikhonov, Vladimir (2023). Korean History Research outside of Korea – Mainstreamisation, Regionality, Disbalances, and Advances.
  • Tikhonov, Vladimir (2023). 러시아 난민들을 환영해야 하는 이유 Reosia Nanmin teur eul Hwangyeonghaeya haneun Iyu (The Reasons to Welcome Russian Refugees). Hangyoreh sinmun. ISSN 1228-4017.
  • Tikhonov, Vladimir (2023). 신냉전과 인류의 미래 (The New Cold War and Humanity's Future).
  • Tikhonov, Vladimir (2022). 양심과 지성의 빛: 내가 기억하는 리영희 선생님 Yangsim kwa Chiseong eui Pit: Nae ga Kieokhaneun Yi Yeongheui Seonsaengnim (The Light of Intellect and Conscience: Mr Rhee Younghee as I Remember him). Yi Yeongheui Chaedan Newsletter. 9.
  • Tikhonov, Vladimir (2022). 2022년, 세계화 시대는 끝났다 2022 nyeon, Segyehwa Sidae neun Kkeunnatta (The Year 2022, the Globalization Era is Over). Hangyoreh sinmun. ISSN 1228-4017.
  • Tikhonov, Vladimir (2022). ‘김건희 액세서리’ 된 캄보디아 아이 'Kim Keonghui Aeksesari' ga toen K'ambodia Ai (A Cambodian Children who Became 'Kim Keonghui's Accessary'). Hangyoreh sinmun. ISSN 1228-4017.
  • Tikhonov, Vladimir (2022). 한국 민중사에 비추어본 역사와 인권 Han'guk Minjungsa e Pich'ueppon Yeoksa wa Inkweon (History and Human Rights as Seen through the Prism of the History from Below), 인권 현장으로 떠나는 평화로운 화요일 Inkweon Hyeonjang euro Tteonaneun P'yeonghwaroun Hwayoil (A Peaceful Tuesday when I Depart to the Place where Human Rights [are Defended]). Mal. ISSN 9791187342205. s. 39–71.
  • Tikhonov, Vladimir (2022). 러시아의 우크라이나 침공과 세계 진보: 엇갈리는 대응을 넘어서 Russia's Ukraine Invasion and the Global Left: Beyond the Conflicting Responses.
  • Tikhonov, Vladimir (2022). 북유럽의 정치 상황과 이민자 문제 Politics and Migration Issues in Northern Europe.
  • Tikhonov, Vladimir (2022). A View from the Left: Non-Stalinist Left and UN Involvement in the Korean War.
  • Tikhonov, Vladimir (2022). Utdanning bak betalingsmur? Klassekampen. ISSN 0805-3839.
  • Tikhonov, Vladimir (2022). 선진국 한국의 책임 Seonjin'guk Han'guk eui Ch'aegim (Responsibilities of South Korea as an Advanced Country). Hangyoreh sinmun. ISSN 1228-4017.
  • Tikhonov, Vladimir (2022). Korea in 1876-1945 – in Search for Korean Modernity.
  • Tikhonov, Vladimir (2022). The Meta-history of Eurasia’s Russophone Koreans in the Global Perspective.
  • Tikhonov, Vladimir (2022). 팬데믹 시대에 경계를 바라보다 Looking at the Borders in Pandemic Age.
  • Tikhonov, Vladimir (2022). ‘권위 장사’, 혹은 대학의 사망 'Kwŏnwi Changsa' hokŭn Taehak ŭi Samang ('Trade in Prestige,' or Death of University). Hangyoreh sinmun. ISSN 1228-4017.
  • Tikhonov, Vladimir (2022). 신냉전 시대의 문학, 어떻게 가르칠 것인가? Shinnaengjŏn Shidaeŭi Munhak, Ŏttŏk'e Karŭch'il Kŏshin-ga? (How to Teach Literature in the New Cold War Age?). Munhagin. ISSN 2765-3323. 7, s. 19–29.
  • Tikhonov, Vladimir (2022). 세기말의 귀환? Segimal eui Kwihwan? (A Return of the Fin de siècle?). Hangyoreh sinmun. ISSN 1228-4017.
  • Tikhonov, Vladimir (2022). Discourse and Practice of Modern Femininity in Late Nineteenth - Early Twentieth Century Korea.
  • Tikhonov, Vladimir (2022). Medicine Meets Red Feminism: Yi Tǒgyo (1890-1932), a Pioneering Korean Feminist Physician .
  • Tikhonov, Vladimir (2022). Life and Death of Chu Chonggǒn (1895-1936) – a Founder of Korean Communist Party in Soviet Exile.
  • Tikhonov, Vladimir (2022). 한국에는 오지 못한 68혁명 Han'guk e Oji Mothan 68 Hyeongmyeong (The 1968 Revolution which Never Came to South Korea). Hangyoreh sinmun. ISSN 1228-4017.
  • Tikhonov, Vladimir (2022). The Korean War and Stalin’s Calculus: Soviet Strategies before, during and after the War.
  • Tikhonov, Vladimir (2022). 차별금지법 없는 선진국은 없다! Ch'abyeol Keumjobeop Eomneun Seonjin'guk Eopta! (There are No Advanced Countries without Anti-Discrimination Legislation!). Hangyoreh sinmun. ISSN 1228-4017.
  • Tikhonov, Vladimir (2022). Chu Chonggǒn (1895-1936) – Life and Death of a Transborder Korean Socialist Intellectual.
  • Tikhonov, Vladimir (2022). 누가 어떻게 푸틴을 막을 것인가? Who and how can stop Putin? [Radio]. KBS 1st Radio.

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Publisert 6. juni 2005 00:00 - Sist endret 14. juni 2022 12:24


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