Stephan Guth

Professor - Midtøstenstudier
Bilde av Stephan Guth
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العِلْم شيء لا يعطيك بعضَه حتّى تعطيه كلّك فإنْ أعطيتَه كلّك فأنت من إعطائه لك البعضَ على خطرٍ
Knowledge is something that does not grant you a portion of itself unless you give yourself completely to it. But even if you give yourself completely to it you can never be sure that it grants you that portion. (al-Naẓẓām, c. 775-845)

Faglige interesser

Moderne arabisk og tyrkisk litteratur, komparativ litteratur, etymologi og arabisk begrepshistorie (Conceptual History).

Is the ‘concubine’ (Arabic surriyya), originally, the *‘one who lets a man see her navel’ (surra)? Is the ‘navel’ also the etymon of the word for ‘secret’ (sirr) in general? How can the verbal root √S-R-R convey the notion of ‘hiding, concealing’ and, at the same time, ‘revealing’? And is it the navels, or secrets, that make us experience ‘joy, happiness, tranquility of the mind’ (surūr)? How would the ‘facial expressions’ (ʾasārīr al-wajh) fit into the overall picture? Not to forget the common word for ‘bed’, sarīr, and the ‘last night of the lunar month’ (sarār), or the camel with a galled breast (ʾasarr)?
Curious to learn more about the secrets of the Arabic lexicon?  ̶  Check out EtymArab, the nuclear version of an etymological dictionary of the Arabic language. For the ‘navel’ and its derivatives, click yourself through the entries on the root SRː (SRR) (back-forward arrows on top of the pages).

Undervisning og veiledning

  • MØNA1300 - Litteraturhistorie og språkforhold i Midtøsten og Nord-Afrika (BA level course on the history of modern literatures in the Middle East)
  • MES4000 - ("Literature" module in MA course on) Theory, Methodology and Project Description in Middle East Studies
  • MES4010 - Readings in Middle East Studies
  • MES4210 og MES4220 - Topics in Arabic Studies I & II: De to emner tilbyr skreddersydd undervisning med tematisk fokus som avhengig av deltakernes ønsker og behov kan variere mellom innhold som tilsvarer tidligere masteremner som ARA4303 - Modern Arabic Fiction and Dramatic Arts, ARA4304 - Contemporary Arabic Literature: Texts and Contexts, ARA4506 - Key Concepts of Arabic Language and Culture, m.fl.

Utdanning og bakgrunn

  • Fast ansatt ved IKOS siden 2007 og fikk professoropprykk i 2009.
  • 2005-2006: Gjesteforeleser og instituttets nestleder ved Universitetet i München (Tyskland).
  • 2003: "Habilitation" (venia legendi i "Islamwissenschaft und Neuere Orientalische Philologie") ved Universitetet i Bern (Sveits)
  • 1996-2007: Undervisning og forskning ved Institutt for Islam- og Midtøstenstudier, Universitetet i Bern (Sveits).
  • 1993: Gjesteforeleser ved Freie Universität Berlin (Tyskland).
  • 1992-1996: Forsker ved Det tyske instituttet for orientalske studier, Istanbul (Tyrkia) og Beirut (Libanon).
  • 1992: PhD ved Bonn universitet
  • 1987: Master ved Bonn universitet
  • Har studert Islamvitenskap ("Islamwissenschaft"), Moderne tysk litteratur og Filosofi ved universitetene i Bonn og Tübingen (Tyskland).

Pågående forskning

  • I 2016: Hvordan føles det å leve i den arabiske verden fem år etter den ‘Arabiske våren’: Prosjektet søker å skape en ”encyklopedi over 2016” som gjennom et snapshot-aktig portrett av ett år gjør det mulig for leseren å ”hoppe rett inni” året og (ved hjelp av kryssreferanser) bevege seg rundt i postrevolusjonære arabiske realiteter, et verktøy som får leserne til å oppleve ”hvordan det føles” å leve i den arabiske verden i en historisk overgangsperiode.
  • Etymologisk ordbok for arabisk språk og kultur: Prosjektets fokus er å utarbeide en etymologisk ordbok for arabisk, som dekker røtter og begreper av særlig betydning for arabernes mentale og kulturelle historie.
  • Prosjektet "Revidering av historien til litterære retninger i Midtøsten" (pdf) utfordrer tradisjonelle lesemåter av det moderne Midtøstens litterære retninger som nasjonallitteratur. Dette gjøres ved å sammenligne to eller flere av dem med hverandre, og med den samtidige utviklingen i europeisk litteratur.
  • Prosjektet "Utforsking av post-postmodernisme" (pdf) studerer utviklingen av dagens litteratur i Midtøsten med fokus på endring av litterære paradigmer, sammenliknet med klassisk postmodernisme.
  • Research unique identifier:


  • Styremedlem, tidligere også generalsekretær (2006-08, 2014-2016) og president (2008-12) for The European Association for Modern Arabic Literature (EURAMAL)
  • Med-konsulent for "Tyrkisk og turkspråklige litteraturer" for Kindlers neues Literatur Lexikon, 3. utg. (Stuttgart: Metzler, 2009)
  • Co-redaktør for mîzân - Studies in the literatures of the Islamic World (Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden) => Flyer , List of Titles
  • (siden 2015) Co-redaktør for Porta Linguarum Orientalium (Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden) => List of Titles
  • Medlem av redaksjonsrådet for Middle Eastern Literatures (MEL) (inntil 2020)
  • (siden 2012) Co-redaktør for Journal of Arabic and Islamic Studies (JAIS)
  • Fagansvarlig for "Arabisk Litteratur" i Store norske leksikon (SNL)
Emneord: Arabisk, Midtøsten, Islam, Tyrkisk, SIMS


For en kortfattet liste over publikasjoner se denne sidens engelske versjon.

En detaljert publikasjonsliste får du ved å klikke her eller i Cristin (komplett kun fra 2007).

  • Guth, Stephan (2023). What Does it Mean to Design a Plot? Space, time, and the subject’s agency in the new narrative genres of the 19th century, Selected Studies on Genre in Middle Eastern Literatures: From Epics to Novels . Cambridge Scholars Publishing. ISSN 9781527515253. s. 234–263.
  • Guth, Stephan (2023). Von der Entdeckung zur Krise des „unabhängigen Selbst“, Wissenskulturen muslimischer Gesellschaften: Philosophische und islamwissenschaftliche Zugänge : Festschrift für Anke von Kügelgen. Walter de Gruyter (De Gruyter). ISSN 9783110767438. s. 383–402. doi: 10.1515/9783110767506-022. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Guth, Stephan (2022). From ‘flaying’, ‘Ascension’ and ‘red garden-beet’ to ‘wolves’ and ‘sweet dishes’: The stunning semantic variety in the Arabic root SLQ as a touchstone for Arabic etymologists . Folia Orientalia. ISSN 0015-5675. 59, s. 49–75. doi: 10.24425/for.2022.143836. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Yordanova, Mihaila & Guth, Stephan (2021). Past vs. Present [a code of "In 2016"] . Journal of Arabic and Islamic studies. ISSN 0806-198X. 21(Themed section "In 2016"). Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Guth, Stephan & Yordanova, Mihaila (2021). The Voice from Above [an array of "In 2016"]. Journal of Arabic and Islamic studies. ISSN 0806-198X. 21(Themed section "In 2016"). Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Guth, Stephan (2021). Self-help [an array of "In 2016"] . Journal of Arabic and Islamic studies. ISSN 0806-198X. 21(Themed section "In 2016"). Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Guth, Stephan (2021). Gated Communities / Compounds [an array of "In 2016"]. Journal of Arabic and Islamic studies. ISSN 0806-198X. 21(Themed section "In 2016"). Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Guth, Stephan (2021). Garbage [an array of "In 2016"]. Journal of Arabic and Islamic studies. ISSN 0806-198X. 21(Themed section "In 2016"). Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Guth, Stephan (2021). Disappearances [an array of "In 2016"]. Journal of Arabic and Islamic studies. ISSN 0806-198X. 21(Themed section "In 2016"). Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Guth, Stephan (2021). Beautiful vs. Ugly [a code of "In 2016"] . Journal of Arabic and Islamic studies. ISSN 0806-198X. 21(Themed section "In 2016"). Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Guth, Stephan (2021). True = False (Life in Limbo) [a collapsed code of "In 2016"] . Journal of Arabic and Islamic studies. ISSN 0806-198X. 21(Themed section "In 2016"). Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Guth, Stephan (2021). True vs. False [a code of "In 2016"] . Journal of Arabic and Islamic studies. ISSN 0806-198X. 21(Themed section "In 2016"). Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Hofheinz, Albrecht Hermann & Guth, Stephan (2021). Introduction [to themed section "In 2016: How it felt to live in the Arab World 5 years after the 'Arab Spring'"]. Journal of Arabic and Islamic studies. ISSN 0806-198X. 21(Themed section "In 2016"), s. 5–20. doi: 10.5617/jais.9481. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Guth, Stephan (2021). Morpho-Semantic Evidence of Emerging Subjectivity in the Language of the Nahḍah — A Proposal. Oriente Moderno. ISSN 0030-5472. 101, s. 221–252. doi: 10.1163/22138617-12340263.
  • Guth, Stephan (2021). A Century of Utopian Writing in the Middle East: Three Key Texts, Crossroads of Liberty : Asian, African and European Literature Towards Freedom and Oppression. Dom Wydawniczy Elipsa. ISSN 978-83-8017-391-0. s. 107–121.
  • Guth, Stephan (2021). Arab Perspectives on the Late Ottoman Empire. I Chovanec, Johanna & Heilo, Olof (Red.), Narrated Empires : Perceptions of Late Habsburg and Ottoman Multinationalism. Palgrave Macmillan. ISSN 978-3-030-55198-8. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-55199-5_6.
  • Guth, Stephan (2020). ʿĪsà ʿUbayd’s Programmatic Preface to “Miss Ihsan”, a Manifesto of Early adab qawmī. I Avino, Maria; Barbaro, Ada & Ruocco, Monica (Red.), Qamariyyāt: oltre ogni frontiera tra letteratura e traduzione - Studi in onore di Isabella Camera d’Afflitto. Istituto per l’Oriente C.A. Nallino. ISSN 978-88-97622-62-8. s. 293–315.
  • Guth, Stephan (2019). [Introductions to the individual novellas:] The Middle East Could Look Very Different From Now: An Early Utopia [...]. I Guth, Stephan (Red.), Literary Visions of the Middle East : An anthology of canonical masterpieces of Arabic, Persian, Turkish and Hebrew fiction (mid-19th to early 21st centuries) : compiled, edited and commented. Harrassowitz Verlag. ISSN 978-3-447-11106-5.
  • Guth, Stephan (2019). Introduction. I Guth, Stephan (Red.), Literary Visions of the Middle East : An anthology of canonical masterpieces of Arabic, Persian, Turkish and Hebrew fiction (mid-19th to early 21st centuries) : compiled, edited and commented. Harrassowitz Verlag. ISSN 978-3-447-11106-5. s. 1–20. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Guth, Stephan (2019). Adab as the Art to Make the Right Choice between Local Tradition and Euromania. I Mayeur-Jaouen, Catherine (Red.), Adab & Modernity: a Civilising Process? (Sixteenth-Twenty-First Century). Brill Academic Publishers. ISSN 978-90-04-41591-1. doi: 10.1163/9789004415997_012.
  • Guth, Stephan (2019). The Past in the Present - and the Future! I Guth, Stephan & Pepe, Teresa (Red.), Arabic Literature in a Posthuman World [= Proceedings of the 12th Conference of the European Association for Modern Arabic Literature (EURAMAL), May 2016, Oslo]. Harrassowitz Verlag. ISSN 978-3-447-11261-1. s. 13–52.
  • Pepe, Teresa & Guth, Stephan (2019). Foreword / Introduction. I Guth, Stephan & Pepe, Teresa (Red.), Arabic Literature in a Posthuman World [= Proceedings of the 12th Conference of the European Association for Modern Arabic Literature (EURAMAL), May 2016, Oslo]. Harrassowitz Verlag. ISSN 978-3-447-11261-1. s. IX–XVIII. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Guth, Stephan (2018). “Arabic” Turkish: The Ak Arap’s accent in Ritter’s Karagöz collection, Building Bridges to Turkish: Essays in Honour of Bernt Brendemoen. Harrassowitz Verlag. ISSN 978-3-447-11123-2. s. 115–133. doi: 10.2307/j.ctvh4zh3p.15. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Guth, Stephan (2018). The Etymology of Generosity-Related Terms: A presentation of the EtymArab project – Part IV. Folia Orientalia. ISSN 0015-5675. 55, s. 99–141. doi: 10.24425/for.2018.124681.
  • Guth, Stephan (2018). A Losing Battle? “Islamwissenschaft” in the Times of Neoliberalism, IS, PEGIDA… and Trump. I Zemmin, Florian; Stephan, Johannes & Corrado, Monica (Red.), Islam in der Moderne, Moderne im Islam: Eine Festschrift für Reinhard Schulze zum 65. Geburtstag. Brill Academic Publishers. ISSN 9789004364035. s. 496–525. doi: 10.1163/9789004364042_024. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Guth, Stephan (2018). Arab(ic) Emotions -- Back to the Roots! I Edzard, Lutz; Borgland, Jens Wilhelm & Hüsken, Ute (Red.), Reading Slowly. A Festschrift for Jens E. Braarvig. Harrassowitz Verlag. ISSN 978-3-447-10964-2. s. 199–219. doi: 10.2307/j.ctvckq4dr.17. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Guth, Stephan (2018). Programs of Renewal: Towards an adab al-būḥ wa’l-ṣidq wa’l-karāma? An analytical and comparative glance at the forewords of some recent (literary?) publications. I Allen, Roger; Fernández Parrilla, Gonzalo; Rodríguez Sierra, Francisco & Rooke, Tetz (Red.), New Geographies: Texts and Contexts in Modern Arabic Literature. Ediciones Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. ISSN 9788483446201. s. 65–80.
  • Achour Kallel, Myriam; Guellouz, Mariem; Håland, Eva Marie & Guth, Stephan (2017). Language [an array of "In 2016"]. Journal of Arabic and Islamic studies. ISSN 0806-198X. 21(Themed section "In 2016"). Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Guth, Stephan (2017). Dual Identities / Masking [an array of "In 2016"] . Journal of Arabic and Islamic studies. ISSN 0806-198X. 21(Themed section "In 2016"). Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Aardal, Maren & Guth, Stephan (2017). Psychiatrists. Journal of Arabic and Islamic studies. ISSN 0806-198X. 17, s. 499–501. doi: 10.5617/jais.6140.
  • Guth, Stephan; Chiti, Elena & Hofheinz, Albrecht (2017). Arrays of Egyptian and Tunisian Everyday-Worlds: An update on the project "In 2016—How it felt to live in the Arab World five years after the 'Arab Spring'”. Journal of Arabic and Islamic studies. ISSN 0806-198X. 17, s. 455–508. doi: 10.5617/jais.6130. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Guth, Stephan (2017). Introduction [to the themed section on "Approaches to the Etymology of Arabic]. Journal of Arabic and Islamic studies. ISSN 0806-198X. 17, s. 313–321. doi: 10.5617/jais.6131. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Guth, Stephan (2017). Dual identities / Masking. Journal of Arabic and Islamic studies. ISSN 0806-198X. 17, s. 484–491. doi: 10.5617/jais.6138. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Guth, Stephan & Hofheinz, Albrecht (2017). Introduction: From "Issues" to "Arrays". Journal of Arabic and Islamic studies. ISSN 0806-198X. 17, s. 457–462. doi: 10.5617/jais.6131. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Guth, Stephan (2017). Biradicalist Mimophonic Triradicalism: Sounds, root nuclei and root complements in M. Ḥ. Ḥ. Gabal’s ‘etymological’ dictionary of Arabic (2012). Journal of Arabic and Islamic studies. ISSN 0806-198X. 17, s. 345–376. doi: 10.5617/jais.6125. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Guth, Stephan (2017). The Etymology of Some Language- and Translation-Related Terms in Arabic. I Eggen, Nora Sunniva & Issa, Rana (Red.), Philologists in the World: A Festschrift in Honour of Gunvor Mejdell. Novus Forlag. ISSN 978-82-7099-904-0. s. 141–164. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Guth, Stephan (2017). The Etymology of Generosity-Related Terms: A Presentation of the EtymArab© Project – Part III. Folia Orientalia. ISSN 0015-5675. 54, s. 149–179. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv

Se alle arbeider i Cristin

  • Guth, Stephan (2024). Emerging subjectivity in the long 19th-century Middle East: Philological approaches. Walter de Gruyter (De Gruyter). ISBN 9783111350837. 517 s. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Guth, Stephan (2024). Emerging Subjectivity in the long 19th-century Middle East: Philological approaches. Walter de Gruyter (De Gruyter). ISBN 9783111344812. 517 s.
  • Guth, Stephan & Sharaf, Ayman (2022). Šuhūd ʿalà nihāyat ʿaṣr : taḥawwul al-muǧtamaʿ al-miṣrī baʿda 1970 . al-Markaz al-Qawmī lil-tarǧama / National Centre for Translation. ISBN 3-87997-203-6. 515 s.
  • Guth, Stephan & Pepe, Teresa (2019). Arabic Literature in a Posthuman World [= Proceedings of the 12th Conference of the European Association for Modern Arabic Literature (EURAMAL), May 2016, Oslo]. Harrassowitz Verlag. ISBN 978-3-447-11261-1. 430 s.
  • Guth, Stephan (2019). Literary Visions of the Middle East : An anthology of canonical masterpieces of Arabic, Persian, Turkish and Hebrew fiction (mid-19th to early 21st centuries) : compiled, edited and commented. Harrassowitz Verlag. ISBN 978-3-447-11106-5. 530 s.

Se alle arbeider i Cristin

  • Guth, Stephan (2024). An early precursor of ecocritical fiction: Ṣabrī Mūsà’s "Fasād al-ʾamkina" (1973).
  • Guth, Stephan (2024). My Adventures in the Orient, 1915-1919: The WWI Memoirs of a German Soldier from the Eastern Front.
  • Guth, Stephan (2024). „Ich versteckte fünf Ladungen Kaffee, (so dass) der Preis anstieg“: ‚Nützliche Sätze‘ in einem türkisch-arabischen Sprachführer von 1766 und was uns ein Manuskript in der Norwegischen Nationalbibliothek über die Lebenswelt eines levantinischen Händlers jener Zeit erzählt.
  • Jonsson, Jonathan & Guth, Stephan (2023). الهيام في جنان الشام ، من قلم سليم أفندي البستاني - Passionate Love in the Syrian Gardens, by Salīm al-Bustānī. Journal of Arabic and Islamic studies. ISSN 0806-198X. 23(3). doi: 10.5617/jais.10861.
  • Guth, Stephan (2023). “We can smell the arak from the beginning of the alley”: ‘Useful sentences’ from a Turkish-Arabic phrase-book of 1766 and what a National Library manuscript tells us about the everyday life of a Levantine merchant in the mid-18th century.
  • Guth, Stephan (2023). The «In 2016» project: How it felt to live in the Arab World five years after the ‘Arab Spring’. 10 May, Palazzo Giusso, University of Napoli “L’Orientale”, Napoli/Italy.
  • Guth, Stephan (2023). Ismāʿīl Fahd Ismāʿīl’s «ecological» novel "al-Sabīliyyāt".
  • Guth, Stephan (2023). [O.P.’s Black Book and Postmodernism in Turkey].
  • Guth, Stephan (2023). Auf Augenhöhe: Die Aufhebung der alten Ost-West-Dichotomie im Exilroman des ausgehenden 20. Jhdt.s.
  • Guth, Stephan (2023). Ghassân Kanafânî. Store Norske Leksikon (Nettutgaven).
  • Guth, Stephan (2023). Adaniya Shibli. Store Norske Leksikon (Nettutgaven).
  • Guth, Stephan (2022). qîthâra - gitar (arabisk).
  • Guth, Stephan (2022). Et Midtøsten uten islam.
  • Guth, Stephan & Jonsson, Karl Jonathan (2022). Topic modelling of Nahda texts.
  • Guth, Stephan (2022). Arabische Etymologie: Möglichkeiten und Grenzen – z.B. √SLQ.
  • Guth, Stephan (2022). Can Arab Studies make the world a better place? (Keynote lecture).
  • Guth, Stephan (2022). Arab Literati and the Late Ottoman Empire.
  • Guth, Stephan (2022). The Secret Knowledge of the Old Wise Woman: Survival thanks resistance to flight in I. F. Ismāʿīl’s al-Sabīliyyāt.
  • Guth, Stephan & Jonsson, Karl Jonathan (2021). Moderne Gefühle: Zur Rolle von Emotionen im arabischen Roman der Nahḍa.
  • Guth, Stephan (2021). مع فضيلة البروفيسور اشتيفان غوث [Interview with Prof. Stephan Guth]. مصطلحيات / Muṣṭalaḥiyyāt. s. 75–84.
  • Guth, Stephan (2021). Arab Perspectives on the Late Ottoman Empire.
  • Guth, Stephan & Kukkonen, Karin (2021). The Literature of the Middle East. [Internett]. LCE Podcast.
  • Guth, Stephan (2021). Arabisk: j-m-l.
  • Guth, Stephan (2020). Arabisk جمل j-m-l : vakker - kamel - en gros - setning.
  • Guth, Stephan (2020). Arabisk - roten j-m-l. [Radio]. NRK P2 Studio 2.
  • Guth, Stephan (2019). Three Middle Eastern Utopias.
  • Guth, Stephan (2019). Premodern Arabic Autobiography.
  • Guth, Stephan (2019). Power relations and indigenous predispositions – Some ideas.
  • Guth, Stephan; Pepe, Teresa & Kukkonen, Karin (2019). Book launch "Literary Visions of the Middle East" (compl./comm./ed. by S. Guth).
  • Guth, Stephan (2019). The Arab World becoming part of “the” world: The example of 'riwāya' (transmission of narratives) becoming 'novel'.
  • Guth, Stephan; Sedgwick, Mark; Skovgaard-Petersen, Jakob; Aringberg Laanatza, Marianne; Juusola, Hannu & Hraundal, Thorir (2019). Roundtable discussion on the state of Middle Eastern Studies in the Nordic region.
  • Guth, Stephan (2019). Teaching Arabic in a changing world.
  • Guth, Stephan (2019). The past in the present: An essay in component analysis (based on contemporary fiction).
  • Guth, Stephan & Montanaro, Fleur (2019). IPAF statistics 2008 ff.
  • Guth, Stephan (2019). Three Middle Eastern utopias and the fading trust in the modernization project.
  • Guth, Stephan (2019). Three Middle Eastern utopias and the fading trust in the Nahḍah. (Keynote lecture).
  • Guth, Stephan (2019). Teresa Pepe’s "Blogging from Egypt" – a new chapter in writing the history of modern Arabic literature: An introduction .
  • Guth, Stephan; Hofheinz, Albrecht & Chiti, Elena (2018). In 2016 -- How it felt to live in the Arab World five years after the "Arab Spring".
  • Hofheinz, Albrecht & Guth, Stephan (2018). In 2016: Life in the Arab World after the ‘Arab Spring’.
  • Guth, Stephan (2018). Toleranz. I Elger, Ralf (Red.), Kleines Islam-Lexikon: Geschichte, Alltag, Kultur. 6., aktualistierte Auflage. C.H. Beck. ISSN 9783406705953.
  • Guth, Stephan (2018). Theologie. I Elger, Ralf (Red.), Kleines Islam-Lexikon: Geschichte, Alltag, Kultur. 6., aktualistierte Auflage. C.H. Beck. ISSN 9783406705953. s. 223–224.
  • Guth, Stephan (2018). Schriftbesitzer. I Elger, Ralf (Red.), Kleines Islam-Lexikon: Geschichte, Alltag, Kultur. 6., aktualistierte Auflage. C.H. Beck. ISSN 9783406705953.
  • Guth, Stephan (2018). Schicksal. I Elger, Ralf (Red.), Kleines Islam-Lexikon: Geschichte, Alltag, Kultur. 6., aktualistierte Auflage. C.H. Beck. ISSN 9783406705953.
  • Guth, Stephan (2018). Opfer. I Elger, Ralf (Red.), Kleines Islam-Lexikon: Geschichte, Alltag, Kultur. 6., aktualistierte Auflage. C.H. Beck. ISSN 9783406705953. s. 162–163.
  • Guth, Stephan (2018). Maḥfūẓ, Nagīb. I Elger, Ralf (Red.), Kleines Islam-Lexikon: Geschichte, Alltag, Kultur. 6., aktualistierte Auflage. C.H. Beck. ISSN 9783406705953.
  • Guth, Stephan (2018). Gottesnamen. I Elger, Ralf (Red.), Kleines Islam-Lexikon: Geschichte, Alltag, Kultur. 6., aktualistierte Auflage. C.H. Beck. ISSN 9783406705953.
  • Guth, Stephan (2018). Gott. I Elger, Ralf (Red.), Kleines Islam-Lexikon: Geschichte, Alltag, Kultur. 6., aktualistierte Auflage. C.H. Beck. ISSN 9783406705953. s. 86–87.
  • Guth, Stephan (2018). Gnade. I Elger, Ralf (Red.), Kleines Islam-Lexikon: Geschichte, Alltag, Kultur. 6., aktualistierte Auflage. C.H. Beck. ISSN 9783406705953. s. 85–86.
  • Guth, Stephan (2018). Freiheit. I Elger, Ralf (Red.), Kleines Islam-Lexikon: Geschichte, Alltag, Kultur. 6., aktualistierte Auflage. C.H. Beck. ISSN 9783406705953. s. 77–78.
  • Guth, Stephan (2018). Engel. I Elger, Ralf (Red.), Kleines Islam-Lexikon: Geschichte, Alltag, Kultur. 6., aktualistierte Auflage. C.H. Beck. ISSN 9783406705953.
  • Guth, Stephan (2018). Blasphemie. I Elger, Ralf (Red.), Kleines Islam-Lexikon: Geschichte, Alltag, Kultur. 6., aktualistierte Auflage. C.H. Beck. ISSN 9783406705953.
  • Guth, Stephan (2018). Barmherzigkeit. I Elger, Ralf (Red.), Kleines Islam-Lexikon: Geschichte, Alltag, Kultur. 6., aktualistierte Auflage. C.H. Beck. ISSN 9783406705953. s. 36–37.
  • Guth, Stephan (2018). Basmala. I Elger, Ralf (Red.), Kleines Islam-Lexikon: Geschichte, Alltag, Kultur. 6., aktualistierte Auflage. C.H. Beck. ISSN 9783406705953. s. 37–38.
  • Guth, Stephan (2018). Arabische Sprache. I Elger, Ralf (Red.), Kleines Islam-Lexikon: Geschichte, Alltag, Kultur. 6., aktualistierte Auflage. C.H. Beck. ISSN 9783406705953. s. 26–29.
  • Guth, Stephan (2018). Arabische Literatur. I Elger, Ralf (Red.), Kleines Islam-Lexikon: Geschichte, Alltag, Kultur. 6., aktualistierte Auflage. C.H. Beck. ISSN 9783406705953. s. 21–25.
  • Guth, Stephan (2017). Die zum Islam konvertierte Jüdin – Zur Rolle eines Wunschbilds in nahöstlichen Gesellschaften nach dem 'Arabischen Frühling'.
  • Guth, Stephan (2017). Wie auf einem anderen Stern: Ein zeitgenössisches arabisches ‘etymologisches’ Lexikon, fernab (?) westlicher Forschungstraditionen.

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Publisert 11. okt. 2015 21:03 - Sist endret 15. aug. 2023 09:57