Seminar: Digital Humanities/Spatial humanities

Kart tegnet av Catharine Kølle (1788-1859). Original fra Bergen Museum. 

13.00 Dr Patricia Murrieta-Flores – Co Director of the Digital Humanities Hub at Lancaster University

Transforming colonial history: Developing computational approaches for the study of 16th century Latin America

The field of Spatial Humanities has substantially advanced in the past few years. From the use of GIS to the development of Geographical Text Analysis, the exploration of space and place in the Digital Humanities is emerging as an exciting arena. In this talk, I will walk you through a  project called ‘Digging into Early Colonial Mexico’, in which we are developing methods and techniques to identify, cross-link, extract and analyse information from one of the most important historical corpora for the study of the period of the contact between Americans and Europeans: the 16th century Geographic Reports of New Spain. Using ground-breaking methods and theory from Corpus Linguistics, Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning and Geographic Information Science, this highly interdisciplinary project involving geographers, historians, archaeologists, and computer scientists, is aiming to transform the ways in which we study and analyse historical corpora.


14.00 Project leader, post.doc Kristina Skåden

Introducing the project "Mapping the Fields” – database and map. Discussion about the future opportunities this database/data model gives.

This project set up a database-model, a database and a digital map for use in research and education. We are exploring how spatial humanities enable and (re)make analyses of knowledge production and circulation by investigating Norwegian fieldworkers in the 19th and 20th century. Kew questions are: How to map knowledge production? How do mapping produce knowledge?

Research team: Kristina Skåden, IKOS – (Project leader, idea, concept), Line Esborg, IKOS – (Project member, idea, concept, Øystein Ekevik, Digital Media in Learning and Research (DMLF) – Development team leader, Heidi Løken, DMLF – Programming front end/import, Damir Nedić, DMLF – Programming front end, Asgeir Nesøen, DMLF – Programming front end, back end, data modelling

15.00-15.30 The future organization of Digital Humanities Hubs, institutions and projects.

Arr.: Norsk Folkeminnesamling, Kristina Skåden, Line Esborg.

Coffee, fruit and cakes will be served


Norsk Folkeminnesamling
Publisert 17. aug. 2018 15:42 - Sist endret 6. mai 2021 14:25