Nettsider med emneord «Museum studies»

Picture of an annotated book with photograph
Publisert 22. mars 2024 08:30

Can exhibitions be qualified as research-in-itself? If they can, then how? Which criteria should be the basis of evaluating and verify research exhibitions? The aim of the PhD course is to build a solid knowledge-base for understanding the relationship between exhibitions and research in the past and today, in order to collectively explore potentials and challenges for what can be called research-by-display.

Logoer for Universitetet i Oslo og Norsk Teknisk Museum
Publisert 19. feb. 2016 12:33

Museene er steder der originale gjenstander oppbevares og vises fram. Samtidig forholder museene seg til mange ulike typer kopier.

University of Oslo / Norwegian museum of science and technology logos
Publisert 4. feb. 2016 15:10

Museums are places where original objects are kept and exhibited. Still, museums relate to many kinds of copies.