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Rooms and equipment

The Socio-Cognitive Laboratory consists of four testing rooms: a video studio, an EEG room, and two eye-tracking rooms. In addition, the lab has a control room, a waiting area and a data processing office. All testing rooms have camera(s) and ceiling-mounted microphones supervised from the control room.

This animation offers a virtual tour of the lab.

Ikon av et videokameraVideo studio (room 113)

The video studio is equipped with 4 PTZ Full HD cameras, placed in the 4 corners of the room on pegs to adjust the height of the lens. The audio is recorded primarily from the microphones hanging from the ceiling, or additionally from 4 clip-on microphones. All the cameras get the same audio mixed in their video files with minimal drifting between sound and video. The video studio is ideal for conducting, for example, focus-group interviews of participants of all ages, studies of gesture, and collection of conversational data.

Ikon av person med EEG-hetteEEG room ("pink" room, 115)

The EEG room is equipped with a 128-channel EEG system from BrainProducts. With EEG, we are able to measure electrical activity in the cortex via electrodes on the scalp and investigate online cognitive and sensory processes. EEG is a widely used and safe method that can be applied for various questions spanning from infant language acquisition to language comprehension processes in adults.

Ikon av person foran en blikksporerEye-tracking room ("green" room, 116)

The downstairs eye-tracking room has a SMI RED 250 mobile eye-tracker that is portable and suitable for testing inside and outside of the lab. With eye-tracking, we can measure participants' gaze to objects or events by tracking the position of the pupil and corneal reflections. Because there is a strong link between visual attention and cognitive processes, eye-tracking can provide insights into how different types of speakers understand, process and plan speech.

EyeLink room (440)

The EyeLink room on the fourth floor of Henrik Wergelands house has two EyeLink 1000 Plus eye-trackers, with one station for children/infants and one for adults. This system, which one might be tempted to call the Ferrari of eye-trackers, has a sampling rate of up to 2000 Hz and allows for very precise tracking of eye gaze and pupil dilation in infants, children and adults. The EyeLink is thus suited for conducting eye-tracking studies that require a lot of precision, for example reading experiments. 


For stimulus presentation, we use Presentation (Neurobehavioral Systems) and E-Prime (Psychology Software Tools), and Analyzer (BrainProducts) for EEG analysis.

Data processing office

On the second floor of Henrik Wergelands hus is a four-desk office especially designed for discreet processing of sensitive data.

Overview of the lab

Overview of the lab


Published Jan. 21, 2020 11:09 AM - Last modified May 31, 2024 12:57 PM