
Persons 1 - 4 of 4
Name Phone E-mail Tags
Picture of Kjell Lars Berge Berge, Kjell Lars Professor +47 22856711 k.l.berge@iln.uio.no Rhetoric
Picture of Kristian Bjørkdahl Bjørkdahl, Kristian Associate Professor +47 40610908 004740610908 kristian.bjorkdahl@iln.uio.no Rhetoric, Democracy, Political communication, Political philosophy, Cultural Studies
Picture of Hilde Reinertsen Reinertsen, Hilde Associate Professor
Picture of Johan Laurits Tønnesson Tønnesson, Johan Laurits Professor +47 22856986 +47 93295368 +4793295368 j.l.tonnesson@iln.uio.no Rhetoric, Nordic language, Nordic literature, Plain language