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Research groups

A teacher is standing in front of a class with five students

This group is researching how artificial intelligence can be applied in analysis of language and language didactics

The focus of the group was typical and atypical speech and language development in children, and atypical speech and language in adults.

Two women having a conversation in snowy weather.

Conversation analysis is an interdisciplinary research tradition that studies language and social interaction from various perspectives, e.g., sociological, anthropological, linguistic, and pedagogical.

A father and son are reading a book.

The ecological significance of experimental methods in linguistics.

Old books. Photo.

This research group is focused on the history of the book, textual criticism as well as reception studies and theory.

A puzzle where the frame is shaped like a human head and pieces in different colors and shapes are placed where the brain sits. Photo.

The research group focuses on cognitive aspects of learning and processing first, second and third languages in typical and atypical populations.

Old paper with handwriting on. Photo.

The Research Group in Language Change brings together people from different subfields of linguistics who do diachronic research.

Image contains two women holding books and women walking with boxes on their heads

Interdisciplinary research can provide new insights into language shift and contribute to the documentation and revitalization of threatened languages.

An illustration of a face in profile making sound.

Phonology is the study of sound systems in languages. This research groups gathers those who do research on the properties of sound systems.

A girl whispering to a boy. Photo.

Bringing together researchers investigating how speakers go beyond linguistically encoded meaning in communication, and how children develop this ability.

Illustration of heads in profile.

We investigate grammatical and structural aspects of multilingual acquisition and use.

Wood with trees in front, lake, mountain and sky. Photo.

Super Linguistics is an emerging sub-field of linguistics that applies formal linguistic methodology to objects of study beyond language, such as gestures, music, dance, and non-verbal pictorial representations.

The research group studies poetry in a wide range of perspectives. Our focus is broad and includes epic, lyric and dramatic poetries.

sky, clouds, trees, lake

Research on the diachronic development, variation, and change of structural patterns in Scandinavian dialects.