Guest lecture: Between clarification and contribution

PhD. Dr. Jörg Zinken will give a guest lecture Thursday September 5. The lecture is titled “Between clarification and contribution: Offering an interpretation of prior talk in informal interaction” and is open to everyone.


Sometimes, speakers offer an interpretation of another’s prior talk.  Such interpretations can initiate repair to ‘clarify’ some trouble of understanding, but it is well known that practices of repair initiation can also serve goals beyond repair. In this talk, I examine what speakers can accomplish by offering interpretations that are designed as clausal continuations of another person’s prior talk, as in the example below:

01          (16.0)
02  Lydia:  irgendwie denk ich die ganze zeit es is unter der woche
            somehow I keep thinking it’s mid-week
03          (0.5)
04  Cosima  warum.
05          (0.4)
06          weil's so früh:: >weil de [so früh aufgestanden bis 
            cause it‘s so early- cause you got p so early
07  Lydia                             [nee: w-
                                       no: c-
08  Lydia   [nee: wei:l (0,5) (ich bi-) ich bin jetzt auch nicht so::
             no   because               I am not like that
09  Marek   [hehe
10  Lydia   (0.4) dass ich nicht früh aufstehe 
                   that I wouldn’t get up early

About the lecturer

PhD. Dr. Jörg Zinken is a researcher at the Leibniz-Institut für Deutsche Sprache, Mannheim, Germany. He is particularly known for his studies of social interaction in a comparative and typological perspective, and for his work on social agency and grammar. His other research interests have covered topics such as situated modal meanings (permission, possibility, necessity), syntactic complexity in language use, and action categories and continuities in social interaction. Currently, he is constructing of comparable video corpora of informal interaction in diverse languages. He is also working on the theme "Reformulations/Formulations" as part of the project "The interactive constitution of meaning"

Contact person

Marja Etelämäki

Published Aug. 27, 2019 9:53 AM - Last modified Oct. 4, 2023 10:42 AM