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Second and third language acquisition and use

We investigate grammatical and structural aspects of multilingual acquisition and use.

Illustration of heads in profile.

Photo: Gerd Altmann, Pixabay.

About the group

Learning a new language involves, among other things, learning its grammar.

A crucial distinction between first and sequential or additional language acquisition lies in the fact that a person learning a second or a third language has already acquired the grammatical system(s) of her first language(s). The learner will therefore need to learn new or different grammar rules, and, in addition, unlearn the old ones.

The members of this research group investigate the grammatical aspects of acquisition and use in multilingual individuals.

Group members meet once a month. Are you a student or a research and wish to join the group? Contact Guro Busterud or Michela Iacorossi.

Published Feb. 1, 2023 10:49 AM - Last modified June 25, 2024 3:52 PM


Head of group:

Guro Busterud


Detailed list of participants