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The structural development of Scandinavian dialects

Research on the diachronic development, variation, and change of structural patterns in Scandinavian dialects.

sky, clouds, trees, lake

Foto: Piotr Garbacz

About the research group

The group does research on structural variation and change in Mainland Scandinavian dialects by using different methods.

It integrates students in the research and involves digital research methods, also by creating a pilot version of a tagged and annotated corpus of the Swedish Ovansiljan dialects.

The structural development of Scandinavian dialects includes both permanent and temporary scientific staff and MA-students. Its competence includes dialectology, sociolinguistics, phonology, syntax, computational and historical linguistics.

Published Jan. 12, 2023 11:28 AM - Last modified Jan. 17, 2023 9:06 AM



Detailed list of participants