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Previous events - Page 3

Time and place: , Georg Sverdrups hus, Auditorium 2 / Zoom

For the 2023 EyeHub Lecture, Elke B. Lange (Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics) will give a lecture on how musical processing is affected by visual information, or affects ocular motor movements.

Time and place: , Henrik Wergelands hus, MultiLing meeting room, HWH 421 / Zoom

Georgios (George) Georgiou (Assistant Professor, University of Nikosia) will discuss the capacity of bidialectal and monodialectal speakers to perceive second language speech sounds, unveiling a potential advantage for bidialectals, possibly rooted in the development of advanced higher-order abilities linked to their diverse linguistic background.

Time and place: , Henrik Wergelands hus, 2nd floor, room 225

In this full-day workshop Elke B. Lange (Max Planck Institute of Empirical Aesthetics) will give an introduction to analyzing blink data with mixed effect models.

Time and place: , PAM 4

Our ex-colleague Jozina Vander Klok from Humboldt University Berlin is visiting to talk about Javanese applicatives in (formal) syntactic and semantic terms.

Time and place: , Henrik Wergelands hus, room 225

In this talk Kristen Thornton (Adjunct Professor, Gallaudet University) will review data from a novel word learning project where eye tracking was used to examine looking behaviors while children with and without cochlear implants learned novel words.

Time and place: , University Aula, University Square / Helga Engs hus, Blindern

As MultiLing is coming to a closure in 2023, we invite all interested to join us as we discuss and synthesize our research and achievements.

Time and place: , University Aula

In her keynote lecture for MultiLing’s Closing Conference, Lourdes Ortega will discuss the potential for a decolonial lens to sharpen social justice orientations in the study of multilingual learning.

Time and place: , PAM 4

Jamie Y. Findlay explores the idea that the distinction between fast/automatic and slow/deliberate thought processes can be drawn inside the domain of language processing.

Time and place: , Sophus bugges hus, auditorium 2

Master Helene Killmer at the Department of Linguistics and Scandinavian Studies will defend her dissertation Participation in conversations by persons with aphasia: A study of everyday activities for the degree of Philosophiae Doctor (PhD).

Time and place: , , Henrik Wergelands hus, MultiLing meeting room, HWH 421 / Zoom

Kerime Eylul Eski (PhD Candidate, University of Genova) and Luca Onnis (Professor, MultiLing) will present on the effect of social networks on linguistic behaviour.

Time and place: , Vilhelm Bjerknes' hus, Auditorium 5

The study of heritage language speakers can shed light on fundamental issues in multilingualism. Professor Marit Westergaard will address some of these issues, with examples from heritage languages in Norway and Norwegian heritage language in North America.

Time and place: , Universitetet i Oslo, Niels Treschows hus 12th floor

The research network MultiNord organizes lectures that are open for everyone.

Time and place: , Georg Sverdrups hus, 2nd floor, Stort møterom (Room 2531)

The 2023 MultiLing Summer School will cover different aspects of a study design in language science from the conceptualization of an experimental study to the analyses, while also focusing on the philosophy of science that underpins sound research.

Time and place: , PAM 4
Elin McCready (Aoyama Gakuin University, Japan) considers aspects of linguistic meaning that require the analyst to go beyond the idea of truth conditions.
Time and place: , Henrik Wergelands hus, MultiLing meeting room 421

In this talk Pedro Lencastre (PhD candidate in the field of Intelligent Health at OsloMet) will present new mathematical and Machine Learning methods to classify Gaze Trajectories and identify signatures of health conditions.

Time and place: , , Henrik Wergelands hus, MutliLing meeting room, HWH 421 / Zoom

Agata Bochynska (Open Research section, University of Oslo Library) will present and discuss assessment of transparency practices in linguistics and provide recommendations and solutions for increasing the transparency of linguistics research.

Time and place: , Helga Engs hus, auditorium 1

Master Ingvild Badhwar Valen-Sendstad at the Department of Linguistics and Scandinavian Studies will defend her dissertation Health literacy as ideological work: Migration, language, and communication in the welfare system for the degree of Philosophiae Doctor (PhD).

Time and place: , PAM2

In this talk, Linn Iren Sjånes Rødvand presents data from the underdescribed Austronesian language Patani.

Time and place: , Henrik Wergelands hus, MultiLing meeting room 421

Camilo Rodriguez Ronderos (Postdoctoral Fellow, IFIKK) will present evidence from pupillometry in support of theoretical accounts of the pragmatics of imprecision, and discuss possible linking hypotheses between pupil dilation and pragmatic language processing.

Time and place: , Henrik Wergelands hus, MutliLing meeting room, HWH 421

Five students in their first year of the MA in Multilingualism will present on how auditory processing aptitude is important when it comes to imitating an unfamiliar L2, but that L2 proficiency is more important in relation to a familiar L2.

Time and place: , , Henrik Wergelands hus, MutliLing meeting room, HWH 421 / Zoom

In this presentation, Frances Kvietok Duenas (Postdoc, MultiLing), Pia Lane (Professor, MultiLing), and Carola Kleemann (Associate Professor, UiT) will share comparative insights about the language reclamation trajectories of new speakers of Sámi, Quechua and Aimara.

Time and place: , PAM2

Stefano Coretta (Edinburgh) will give a guest lecture about why the IPA vowel chart doesn't work

Time and place: , Seminar room 1, Sophus Bugges hus

This workshop gives an overview of the elements and genre expectations of the curriculum vitae (CV) and time for hands-on work developing the participant’s own CV.

Time and place: , Henrik Wergelands hus, MultiLing meeting room 421 / Zoom:

How does ADHD affect the learning of multiple languages? Do people with and without ADHD process figurative language differently? These are just some of the questions that will be discussed at AttCom's Kick-Off Workshop.