Public defence: How do highly educated Indonesian migrants experience learning Norwegian in the workplace?

Master Nuranindia Endah Arum at the Department of Linguistics and Scandinavian Studies will defend her dissertation Language learning, migration, and professional trajectories. Experiences of highly educated Indonesians in Norway for the degree of Philosophiae Doctor (PhD).

Nuranindia Endah Arum’s dissertation explores how language learning is connected to the professional and social inclusion of long-term and newly arrived Indonesian migrants in Norway in various ways. Drawing on both sociolinguistic and second language acquisition theories, this study examines the challenges and opportunities that highly educated Indonesian migrants have in learning Norwegian and in entering the local job market.

The stories of the participants’ language learning experiences show that they have different interpretations of their workplace as a space for learning Norwegian. Although some participants see their work environment as an appropriate place to learn Norwegian, the other participants do not always feel welcomed because of certain beliefs that marginalize migrant learners, such as those related to race and ethnicity. Consequently, their efforts to learn Norwegian may not always lead to career growth and a sense of belonging. This study also finds that the use of English, which has become more common in some Norwegian workplaces, varies depending on the social and professional contexts.

The dissertation contributes to our understanding of the complex relationship between language learning, migration, and work. It also highlights how equal access to language learning and employment resources and opportunities is important to support migrants’ integration into society. The findings from this study may help workplaces, policymakers, and other key stakeholders to ensure equality and inclusiveness for all migrants.

Live stream of the Public Defence

Trial lecture

Designated topic: "Language Learning In Multilingual Workplaces In Norway And Europe – Empirical And Methodological Perspectives."

Wednesday 19 June 2024 10.15 pm, Sophus Bugges hus, auditorium 2

Live stream of the Trial Lecture

Evaluation committee

  • Assistant Professor Ron Darvin, University of British Columbia
  • Førsteamanuensis Kristin Vold Lexander, Høgskolen i Innlandet 
  • Professor emeritus Anne Golden, University of Oslo (committee administrator)

Chair of the defence


Published May 29, 2024 4:42 PM - Last modified June 5, 2024 10:39 AM