Podcast as a tool to stimulate dialogue about language use across the university

Katja Årosin Laursen shares her experiences with producing a series of podcast episodes at the University of Copenhagen designed to stimulate dialogue on language use across the university.

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In this talk, I describe the process of creating a podcast designed to stimulate discussions on language use across the University of Copenhagen (UCPH) and to encourage students and staff to share their views and experiences.

In 2021, the University of Copenhagen adopted a new language policy, which has sparked significant debate among the university’s staff and students. Many have been – and still are – uncertain about how the language policy should be implemented in practice, and concerns have been expressed over the Danish language requirements that is part of the policy.

In an international multilingual environment like the university, there will always be implicit, informal language policies based on the language users’ attitudes and ideologies about language, regardless of whether there is a formal language policy to regulate or provide recommendations for linguistic practices or not. Even when there is a formal, written language policy in place, there is no guarantee that it will be followed or function in practice (cf. Mortensen, Hazel & Brandt 2024).

In this talk, I will discuss the development of the podcast series “Language Use at University of Copenhagen” which features various voices and dilemmas from the linguistic reality at UCPH. The purpose of the podcast series is to create a space where staff and students from the university can talk about language practices, language attitudes, and initiatives to influence and regulate language use (Spolsky 2021) – and to inspire listeners to engage with the same topics.

The podcast is hosted by the Centre for Internationalisation and Parallel Language Use (CIP) at the University of Copenhagen. Over the years, we have experimented with different formats for generating dialogue on issues related to language policy at the university: from pamphlet to video to podcast. In the talk, I will discuss the considerations and challenges we meet in the development of the podcast concept. Additionally, I will explain how we can see that the podcast seems to work quite well as a tool to create dialogue about language use and give ideas on how to create a podcast yourself.


Sprogbrug på KU – Københavns Universitet

Implementation of the UCPH language policy – University of Copenhagen (ku.dk)

Mortensen, Janus, Spencer Hazel & Adam Brandt. 2024. The Emergence of Language Policy as Practice in Transient Social Configurations. In Florence Bonacina-Pugh (ed.), Language Policy as Practice: Advancing the Empirical Turn in Language Policy Research, 223–248. Cham: Springer International Publishing. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-55783-5_10.

Spolsky, B. (2021). Rethinking language policy. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.


Katja Årosin Laursen is an Academic Language Consultant at Centre for Internationalisation and Language Use (CIP) at the University of Copenhagen. Since 2011, Katja has been developing and teaching L2 courses in Danish for international staff and students at the university. The courses are based on thorough needs analyses, flexibility and tailor-made exercises and materials. The aim is to prepare the participants to improve their Danish skills and gain confidence in using Danish in all situations relevant to them, one small step at a time. She also teaches courses in academic writing in Danish and is involved in projects on language policy, language use, and disciplinary communication.   

E-mail: aarosin@hum.ku.dk


Multilingualism Research Forum
Published Aug. 28, 2024 12:32 PM - Last modified Aug. 28, 2024 1:37 PM