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For students: Pop-up Café 2023

The Department of Linguistics and Scandinavian Studies (also known as ILN) are hosting our POP-UP CAFÉ again!

All students who are curious about the masters' programmes offered at the institute are very welcome!

Three students, one man and two women, are sitting on a bench outside on the Frederikke-square. It is sunny and summery. There are flowers in the foreground.

Foto: Jarli & Jordan/UiO

What happens at the pop-up café?

ILN has several exciting and challenging master programs, and we want many and skilled students to our programs. You are all invited to our pop-up café where you can meet our scientific staff, master students, and study consultants. You can come and go as you please. We serve free pastries, coffee, and some more. Our goal is to tempt you to do your masters with us. You can ask questions or just have a chat.

What can you study in our department? (A selection)

Do you want to dive into psycholinguistics or Ibsen and theatre, contemporary literature, analysis of political speeches, why almost no one understands the letters from NAV, runic inscriptions on lead amulets, dialects, Baroque poems, grieving and death among Celts, language acquisition and code switching, dissemination of literature, conversation analysis or sociolects? You can study this and a number of other topics in our master program options Linguistics, Scandinavian languages, Dissemination of literature, Scandinavian literature, Norwegian as a second language, Viking and Medieval Studies, Multilingualism, Ibsen studies, and Rhetoric and linguistic communication.

You are all very welcome!

We hope to see many BA-students at the Pop-up café, and especially those of you who:

  • are about to apply for admission to a MA program these days,
  • are not yet applying for a MA program, but would like to get some tips for your BA to get a flying start on your MA.

You can read more about the study programmes offered at ILN by following these links; Programmes taught in English and Programmes taught in Norwegian


You are all welcome, we are looking forward to seeing you!


Elise Kleivane
Tags: masters, study, Student guidance, Linguistics, Nordic, Rhetoric, Literature, Ibsen
Published Mar. 8, 2023 2:45 PM - Last modified Mar. 15, 2023 8:57 AM