PhD course: Different types of data in linguistics - possibilities and pitfalls

This course focuses on empirical aspects of linguistic studies; the goal is to raise awareness of the possibilities and pitfalls associated with different data types. The instructors are linguists with extensive experience collecting and analysing different types of data.

Post doc, Dr. Kari Kinn invites to this course, arranged as a two-day workshop. The instructors will each lead a session taking their own research as a point of departure, and discuss data-related issues. There will also be sessions of student presentations; this course is an excellent opportunity for the students to discuss their own work with the instructors and each other.
You will find a full course description with link to application form (for non-UiO-candidates) on the course page HFILN9001D.
Research fellows from Faculty of Humanities, sign up on Studentweb. Application deadine: 10 April.

Published Mar. 18, 2019 12:28 PM - Last modified Mar. 16, 2020 8:06 PM