Urban Talk & Text

Urban Talk & Text is a research group that investigates language, youth and identity in the city.

This page is under development

About the project

Urban Talk & Text zooms in on Oslo and surrounding regions, and is particularly concerned with the status of contemporary urban vernaculars today, the spread and development over time, and the ways these speech styles are portrayed, employed and perceived in various modalities, in conversations, in social and printed media, as well as in novels, TV series and films. 


The primary objective of Urban Talk & Text is to contribute new knowledge on the social life of contemporary urban speech styles.


Urban Talk & Text employs a multiple methodological approach, including Citizen Sociolinguistics, that is, engaging lay people in doing sociolinguistic research (e.g. European Association for Citizen Science; Svendsen 2018). Time frame: autumn 2020 - 2023.


  • Samantha Goodchild: Urban multilingual spaces: Oslo in the 2020s. A collaborative intergenerational sociolinguistics project
  • Rafael Lomeu Gomes: Speech styles of young adults in urban spaces in Norway: Continuities and disruptions
  • Gavin Lamb: Youth ecocultural identity at the nexus of Oslo's multilingual, digital and urban landscapes

Workshops and Events

Urban Talk & Text organised a workshop on Citizen Sociolinguistics the 3. and 4. of November 2020, see program and presentations can be found in the list of previous events at Multiling. The research group organised a panel at Sociolinguistic Symposium in Ghent, July 2022: Recontextualisation of contemporary urban vernaculars.

Media (selected)

Vårt Land 26.06.2020: "Kebabnorsk er norsk".

Vi.no 16.09.2020 "Vet du hva "wolla" betyr?" (vi.no, In Norwegian)

Collaboration and Networks

MultiLit Multilectal Literacy in Education RCN-financed project at Western Norway University of Applied Sciences

The research group Language Variation and Change in Society and Education at the University of South-East Norway

The network MultiNord Research in multilingual urban spaces in the Nordic region 


Urban Speech is partly funded by the Research Council of Norway through its Centers of Excellence funding scheme, project number 223265.

Selected publications

  • Mesthrie, Raj, Toril Opsahl & Unn Røyneland (2021). Contesting Stereotypes: Language, Body and Belonging – Northern and Southern perspectives. In Blackwood & Røyneland (eds.) Spaces of Multilingualism. Routledge Critical Studies in Multilingualism. Routledge, 51-72. (Open access). 
  • Cutler, Cecelia & Unn Røyneland (eds.) (2018). Multilingual Youth Practices in Computer Mediated Communication. Cambridge University Press.
  • Lomeu Gomes, Rafael & Bente A. Svendsen (2023). Minoritized youth language in Norwegian media discourse: Surfacing the abyssal line. In Bassey Antia and Sinfree Makoni (eds.), Southernizing Sociolinguistics. Colonialism, Racism, and Patriarchy in Language in the Global South. Taylor & Francis.
  • Opsahl, Toril (2018). Welcome to the city where dialects aren't pretty? On some developmental processes in urban multiethnic areas in Oslo, Norway, In Thorsten Burkard & Markus Hundt (ed.),  Sprachmischung - Mischsprachen. Vom Nutzen und Nachteil gegenseitiger Sprachbeeinflussung.  Peter Lang Publishing Group.  ISBN 978-3-631-74389-8.  kapittel.  s 83 - 98
  • Røyneland, Unn (2018). Virtually Norwegian: Negotiating language and identity on YouTube. In Multilingual Youth Practices in Computer Mediated Communication. Cambridge University Press, 145-168.
  • Svendsen, Bente A. & Samantha Goodchild 2021.How We Talk about Language: Exploring Citizen Sociolinguistics. Rymes, Betsy, Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. 2020. 201 pp. 1st edition, ISBN: 9781108725965: https://doi.org/10.1111/josl.12511
  • Svendsen, Bente A. 2022. Contemporary urban speech styles. Norway. In P. Kerswill & H. Wiese (eds.), Urban contact dialects and language change: Insights from the global North and South. London: Routledge.
Tags: Multilingual language practices, Multilingual ideologies and language policies, Multilingual competence
Published Oct. 20, 2020 5:29 PM - Last modified Aug. 12, 2024 2:51 PM


Bente Ailin Svendsen (PI)


Tel: (+47) 97562138


Detailed list of participants