
Publikasjoner om språk og praksis i flerspråklige bymiljøer i Norden.

Bauer, S., Milani, T. M., von Brömssen, K. & Spehar, A. (2023). Constructing the ”Good Citizen”: Discourses of Social Inclusion in Swedish Civic Orientation. Social Inclusion 11(4). DOI:

Bauer, S., Milani, T. M., von Brömssen, K. & Spehar, A. (2023). Gender Equality in the Name of the State: State Feminism or Femonationalism in Civic Orientation for Newly Arrived Migrants in Sweden? Critical Discourse Studies. DOI: 10.1080/17405904.2023.2228933

Bauer, S., von Brömssen, K., Milani, T. M., & Spehar, A. (2023). Locating Sweden in Time and Space: National Chronotopes in Civic Orientation for Adult Migrants. Nordic Journal of Migration Research 13(1), pp. 1-7. DOI:

Bijvoet, E., 2018: Förortssvenska i grindvakters öron. Perceptioner av migrationsrelaterad språklig variation bortom inlärarspråk och förortsslang. Språk och stil NF 28, 2018. S. 142–175.

Bijvoet, E. & Fraurud, K., 2016: What's the target? A folk linguistic study of young Stockholmers’ constructions of linguistic norm and variation. Language Awareness, Vol. 25: 1–2, Special Issue: Language Awareness: Achievements and Challenges: Selected papers from the 12th International Conference of the Association for Language Awareness, Hedmark University College, Hamar, July 2014. S. 17–39.

(även i Hyltenstam, K., Bartning, I. & Fant, L. (red.), 2018: High-level proficiency in second language and multilingual contexts. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. S. 196–225)

Bijvoet, E. & Fraurud, K., 2013: ”Rinkebysvenska” och andra konstruktioner av språklig variation i dagens flerspråkiga Sverige. I: K. Hyltenstam & I. Lindberg (red.), Svenska som andraspråk – i forskning, undervisning och samhälle (2:a uppl.). Lund: Studentlitteratur. S. 369 – 396.

Bijvoet, E. & Fraurud, K., 2012: Studying High-Level (L1–L2) Language Development and Use among Young People in Multilingual Stockholm: The Role of Perceptions of Ambient Sociolinguistic Variation. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, Thematic issue 34:2: High-level L2 Acquisition, Learning and Use. S. 291–319.

Bijvoet, E. & Fraurud, K., 2011: Language variation and varieties in contemporary multilingual Stockholm: an exploratory pilot study of young peoples’ perceptions. I: R. Källström & I. Lindberg (red.), Young urban Swedish. Variation and change in multilingual settings. Gothenburg: University of Gothenburg. S. 1–34.[open access:]

Bijvoet, E. & Fraurud, K., 2010: Rinkeby Swedish in the mind of the beholder. Studying listener perceptions of language variation in multilingual Stockholm. I: P. Quist & B. A. Svendsen (red.), Multilingual Urban Scandinavia. New Linguistic Practices. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters. S. 170 – 188.

Bijvoet, E. & Fraurud, K., 2008: Svenskan i dagens flerspråkiga storstadsmiljöer: en explorativ studie av unga stockholmares perceptioner av variation och varieteter. Nordisk tidskrift for andrespråksforskning, Nordand 3, 2, 7–38.

Bijvoet, E. & Fraurud, K., 2006: ”Svenska med något utländskt”. I: Språkvård 3, 2006. S. 4 – 10.

Boyd, S. (2010). Vems svenska ska beskrivas? Problem med att använda termen native speaker om ungdomar i flerspråkiga storstadsmiljöer och termen varietet om deras språkbruk. Svenskans beskrivning. 30 (2008) s. 13-36.

Boyd, S.; Fraurud, K. (2010). Challenging the homogeneity assumption in language variation analysis. Language and space. An international handbook of linguistic variation. s. 686-706. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton.

Boyd, S. (2010). Research on Language in Multilingual Urban Settings in Sweden. Multilingual Urban Scandinavia - New Linguistic Practices. s. 1-5. Bristol, UK: Multilingual Matters. ISBN/ISSN: 13:978-1-84769-313-6

Boyd, S. (2011). Do National Languages Need Support and Protection in Legislation? . Uniformity and Diversity in Language Policy, Norrby & Hajek (eds.). s. 22-36. Bristol, UK: Multilingual Matters. ISBN/ISSN: 978-1-84769-446-1

Boyd, S.; Palviainen, Å. (2012). Bland murar, broar och hav. En diskursanalys av debatten om tvåspråkiga skolor i Huvudstadsbladet och Helsingin Sanomat under hösten 2011, Svenskan i Finland 14. s. 4.

Boyd, S.; Bredänge, G. (2013). Attityder till brytning - exemplet utländska lärare i svenska skolor. Svenska som andraspråk: i forskning, undervisning och samhälle / Kenneth Hyltenstam, Inger Lindberg (red.). s. 437-459. Lund: Studentlitteratur. ISBN/ISSN: 978-91-44-07065-0

Boyd, S.; Palviainen, Å. (2014). Building walls or bridges? A Language Ideological Debate about Bilingual Schools in Finland. Language Policies in Finland and Sweden Interdisciplinary and Multi-Sited Comparisons / Mia Halonen, Pasi Ihalainen, Taina Saarinen. s. 57-89. Bristol: Multilingual Matters. ISBN/ISSN: 978-1-78309-270-3

Boyd, S.; Hoffman, M. F. & Walker, J. A. (2015). Sociolinguistic variation among multilingual youth: Comparing Swedish cities and Toronto. Language, Youth and Identity in the 21st Century: Linguistic Practices Across Urban Spaces. s. 290-306. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN/ISSN: 978-113906189-6

Boyd, S.; Ottesjö, C. (2016). Adult monolingual policy becomes children’s bilingual practice: code-alternation among children and staff in an English-medium preschool in Sweden. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism. Epub ahead of print

Brunstad, Endre; Unn Røyneland; Toril Opsahl (2010). "Hip-hop, ethnicity and linguistic practice in rural and urban Norway." I Marina Terkourafi  (ed.) The Languages of Global Hip-hop. London: Continuum, 223—256.

Cutler, Cecelia; Unn Røyneland (2015). “Where the fuck am I from?”: Hip-Hop youth and the (re)negotiation of language and identity in Norway and the US. In Nortier J. & B. A. Svendsen (eds.) Language, Youth and Identity in the 21st Century. Linguistic Practices across Urban Spaces. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 139—165.

Cutler, Cecelia; Unn Røyneland (2018). Multilingual Youth Practices in Computer Mediated Communication. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 

Fraurud, K.; Boyd, S. (2011). The native – non-native speaker distinction and the diversity of linguistic profiles of young people in multilingual urban contexts in Sweden. Young Urban Swedish. Variation and change in multilingual settings. s. 67-88. Göteborg: University of Gothenburg. ISBN/ISSN: 978-91-87850-42-4

Fraurud, K. & Bijvoet, E., 2004: Multietniska ungdomsspråk och andra nya varieteter av svenska. I: K. Hyltenstam & I. Lindberg (red.), Svenska som andraspråk – i forskning, undervisning och samhälle. Lund: Studentlitteratur. S. 389 – 417.

Gross, J.; Boyd, S. & Leinonen, T. et al. (2016). A tale of two cities (and one vowel): Sociolinguistic variation in Swedish. Language Variation and Change. 28 (2) s. 225-247.

Holmström, Ingela; Bagga-Gupta, Sangeeta; Jonsson, Rickard (2015). Communicating and Hand(ling) Technologies: Everyday Life in Educational Settings Where Pupils With Cochlear Implants Are Mainstreamed. Journal of Linguistic Anthropology, 25, (3), 256-284.

Hyttel-Sørensen, L.; A., Stæhr (2014). Normativitet som social ressource på Facebook. In: Sprogbrug i de nye medier, Nys 46. København: Nydanske Sprogstudier, 67-102.

Jonsson, Rickard (2007). Blatte betyder kompis. Om maskulinitet och språkanvändning i en högstadieskola. [Blatte means friend. On masculinity and language use in a a compulsory school]. Stockholm: Ordfront förlag. Monograph.

Jonsson, Rickard (2013). ”’Inget tjafs och inget bråk’ – om skötsam svenskhet och ordningsstörande förortsslang” [‘No fuss and no trouble’ – On well-behaved Swedishness and disturbing urban youth slang] In K. Hyltenstam & I. Lindberg (Eds). Svenska som andraspråk. Lund: Studentlitteratur.

Jonsson, Rickard (2015). Värst i klassen. Berättelser om stökiga pojkar från innerstad och förort. [Worst in class. Narratives of disruptive boys from inner city and suburbs]. Stockholm: Ordfront. Monograph.

Jonsson, Rickard; Milani, Tommaso (2009). ’Här är alla lika!’ Jämlikhetsideologi och konstruktionen av den Andre i media och skola. [Here are all equal! Egalitarianism and the construction of the Other in the media and school practices] Utbildning och Demokrati. 18, (3), 67 – 86.

Jonsson, Rickard; Milani, Tommaso (2010).“Youth Styles in Sweden: Representations and practices”. In L. Madsen, J. Spindler Møller & J. N. Jørgensen (Eds). Ideological constructions and enregisterment of linguistic youth styles. Copenhagen studies in bilingualism 55, 10 – 51.

Jonsson, Rickard; Milani, Tommaso M. (2012). Vad är det för fel på Rinkeby? Offentliga och lokala föreställningar om standardspråk och förortsslang. [What’s wrong with Rinkeby? Public and local discourses on standard languages and urban youth styles] Locus, 4, 59-75.

J.N. Jørgensen; M.S. Karrebæk; L.M. Madsen; J.S. Møller (2011). Polylanguaging in Superdiversity; Diversities 13 (2), 22-37.

Karrebæk, M. (2009). den prutter: Deltagelse og sproglig forhandling i børnehavebørns leg. In: L. Holm & H.P. Laursen (eds): En bog om sprog – i daginstitutioner. Danmarks Pædagogiske Universitetsforlag.

Karrebæk, M. (2010). I can be with! The communicative development and peer group integration of a linguistic minority kindergartner. Pragmatics and Language Learning 12.

Karrebæk, M. (2011). It farts: The situated management of social organization in a kindergarten peer group. Journal of Pragmatics 43, 2911–2931. 2011.

Karrebæk, M. (2011). At blive et børnehavebarn: En minoritetsdrengs sprog, interaktion og deltagelse i børnefællesskabet. Copenhagen Studies in Bilingualism.

Karrebæk, M. (2012). “What’s in your lunch box today?”: Health, respectability and ethnicity  in the kindergarten classroom. Journal of Linguistic Anthropology 22, 1-22. 

Karrebæk, M. (2012). Authority relations: The mono-cultural educational agenda and  classrooms characterized by diversity. Naldic Quarterly 10, 33-37.

Karrebæk, M. (2013). Rye bread and halal: Enregisterment of food practices in the primary classroom. Language and Communication 34, 17-34.

Karebæk, M. (2013). Lasagne for breakfast: Respectability and cultural norms of eating practices in the primary classroom. Food, Culture and Society: An International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research 16 (1), 85-106.

Karrebæk, M. (2013). “Don’t speak like that to her!” Linguistic minority children’s socialization into an ideology of monolingualism. Journal of Sociolinguistics 17:3, 355-375.

Karrebæk, M. (2013). Fodboldkort i indskolingen: Literacy, populærkultur og polycentricitet I en minoritetsdrengs hverdagsliv. NordAnd 9, 9-31.

Karrebæk, M. (2014). Healthy beverages? The interactional use of milk, juice and water in an ethnically complex primary classroom in Denmark. In P. Szatrowski (ed.): Language and food: Verbal and nonverbal experiences, 279-299. John Benjamins. 2014.

Karrebæk, M. (2014). Er det sundt? Om minoritets-majoritetsrelationer i skolen – i rugbrødets tegn. I: J.S. Møller & L.M. Madsen (red.): Globalisering, sprogning og normativitet – online og offline. Københavnerstudier I tosprogethed vol. 70. 2014.

Karrebæk, M. (2016). Arabs, Arabic and urban languaging: Polycentricity and incipient enregisterment among primary school children in Copenhagen. In L.M. Madsen, M.S. Karrebæk; J.S. Møller (eds.) Everyday Languaging: Collaborative research on the language use of children and youth. Mouton de Gruyter. 2016.

Karrebæk, M. (2016) Rye bread for lunch, lasagne for breakfast: Enregisterment, classrooms and national food norms in superdiversity. To appear in Spotti, Arnaut & Karrebæk (eds.): Language and Superdiversity.

Karrebæk, M. ”I am lucky I can speak Arabic”: The use of Arabic in the linguistic hegemony in Copenhagen. To appear in Duncker & Perregaard (eds.): Conventionalization and language.

Karrebæk, M. S.; A. Stæhr; P. Varis (2015). Punjabi at heart. Language, legitimacy, and authenticity on social media. In: S., Leppänen, J., Møller & T., Nørreby (eds.): Authenticity, Normativity and Social Media, Discourse, Context and Media, vol. 8, 20-29.

Karrebæk, M.; Juffermans; Stæhr; Muhonen Norms, polycentricity and polylanguaging on social network sites in superdiversity. To appear in Duncker & Perregaard (eds.): Conventionalization and language.

Karrebæk, M.; Madsen, Lian M.; Møller, Janus S. (eds.) (2016). Everyday languaging: Collaborative research on the language use of children and youth. Mouton de Gruyter.

Karrebæk, M.; Spotti, M.; Arnaut, K. (eds.) (2016). Language and Super-diversity: Language in the interstices. W/ Massimiliano Spotti, Karel Arnaut. Multilingual Matters.

Karrebæk, M.; Charalambous, C. (2016). Superdiversity and Linguistic Ethnography: Methodological perspectives. In Tagg et al. The Routledge Handbook on Language and Superdiversity. Routledge.

Karrebæk, M.; L.M. Madsen; J.S. Møller (2016). Introduction to Everyday Languaging: Collaborative research on the language use of children and youth. In L.M. Madsen; M.S. Karrebæk; J.S. Møller (eds.) Everyday Languaging: Collaborative research on the language use of children and youth. Mouton de Gruyter.

Karrebæk, M.; Ghandchi (2016). The very sensitive question: Chronotopes, insecurities and Farsi heritage language classrooms. Pragmatics & Society.

Karrebæk, M.; Madsen, Lian M. (2015). Hip hop, education and polycentricity. In Snell, Maybin & Tusting (eds.): Linguistic Ethnography. Palgrave.

Karrebæk, M.; Ghandchi, N. (2015). ‘Pure’ Farsi and political sensitivities: Language and ideologies in Farsi complementary language classrooms in Denmark. Journal of Sociolinguistics 19 (1), 62-90. 2015.

Karrebæk, M.; Madsen, L. M (2013). Urban classrooms, popular culture and polycentricity: Minority boys’ use of football cards and hiphop in relation to education. w/ Lian M. Madsen. Tilburg Working Papers in Culture Studies 115.

Karrebæk, M.; Madsen, Lian M.; Møller, Janus S. (2013). The Amager project: A study of language and social life of minority children and youth. Tilburg Working Papers 52.

Karrebæk, M.; A. Ag; B. Dreier; N. Ghandchi; L.M. Madsen; J.S. Møller; T. Nørreby; A. Stæhr (2015). Hverdagssprogning og sprogideologier: Betydning af minoritetssprog hos skolebørn i København. In: F. Gregersen; T. Kristiansen (red.): Det ved vi nu.

Kirilova, M.; Angouri, J, 'You are now one of us-negotiating ‘fitting in’ in the workplace'. A Creese & A Blackledge (eds), The Routledge Handbook of Language and Superdiversity. Routledge.

Kirilova, M. (2013). All dressed up and nowhere to go: Linguistic, cultural and ideological aspects of job interviews with second language speakers of Danish. Ph.d.-afhandling, Københavns Universitet, Det Humanistiske Fakultet

Kirilova, M. (2014). '”Det kan være svært” – om sprog og kultur i andetsprogsdanske ansættelsessamtaler' Nordand : nordisk tidsskrift for andrespråksforskning, vol 19, nr. 1, 1, s. 9-36.

Kirilova, M.; Angouri, J. (2017). 'Workplace Communication Practices and Policies'. S Canagarajah (ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Migration and Language. Routledge

Kirilova, M. 2016. 'Oh it’s a DANISH boyfriend you’ve got’- co-membership and cultural fluency in job interviews with minority background applicants in Denmark'. J. Angouri, M. Marra & J. Holmes (eds).  Negotiating boundaries at work. Edinburgh University Press.

Kirilova, M. (2016). '’Du bestemmer – jeg li’ arbejde’ – om sprog og kultur ved jobsamtaler' Sprogforum, vol.62.

Kirilova, M.; Ritzau, U.; Jørgensen, J.N. (2009). 'Danish as a Second Language: attitudes, accents, and variation'. M Maegaard, F Gregersen, P Quist & JN Jørgensen (eds), Language Attitudes, Standardization and Language Change: perspectives on themes raised by Tore Kristiansen on the occasion of his 60th birthday. Novus forlag, Oslo, s. 255-271.

Lepännen, Sirpa; Janus Spindler Møller; Thomas Rørbeck Nørreby; Andreas Stæhr; Samu Kytölä (2015). Authenticity, normativity and social media. In: Leppänen, Sirpa; Janus Spindler Møller; Thomas Rørbeck Nørreby; (eds.) Discourse, context and media nr. 8. Lancaster: Elsevier, 1-5. [Autenticitet, normativitet og sociale medier. I: Leppänen, Sirpa; Janus Spindler Møller; Thomas Rørbeck Nørreby; (red.) Discourse, context and media nr. 8. Lancaster: Elsevier, 1-5.]

Lundqvist, Ulla (2013). Etnografi og skriftsprogstilegnelse: Undersøgende skriftsprogspraksisser i den første skrive- & læseundervisning [Children’s explorative literacies in early literacy education]. I H. P. Laursen (red.), Literacy og sproglig diversitet. (s. 233-247). Aarhus Universitetsforlag.

Lundqvist, Ulla (2013). Procesbeskrivelse og nominalisering: Faglig læsning og skrivning i indskolingen [Process description and nominalization. Building academic literacies in primary school]. I H. P. Laursen (red.), Literacy og sproglig diversitet. (s. 181-192). Aarhus Universitetsforlag.

Lundqvist, Ulla (2015). Becoming a “smart student”: the emergence and unexpected implications of one child’s social identification [At blive en dygtig elev]. I L. M. Madsen, M. S. Karrebæk, & J. S. Møller (red.), Everyday Languaging: Collaborative Research on the Language Use of Children and Youth. (s. 121-144). Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. (Trends in Applied Linguistics, Vol. 15).

Madsen, L. M. & B. A. Svendsen 2015. Stylized voices of ethnicity and social division. In Nortier, J. & B. A. Svendsen (eds.), Language, Youth and Identity in the 21st Century. Linguistic Practices across Urban Spaces. Cambridge University. 207-230.

Magnusson, Eliaso J. (2010). Språk som ingång till gemenskap. I: Musk, N. & Wedin, Å. (red.), Flerspråkighet, identitet och lärande. Lund: Studentlitteratur. 79-94.

Magnusson, Eliaso J. (2015). “Självklart känns det mer tryggt att vara där inne i huset” – om den sociokulturella kontextens betydelse för språkliga repertoarer och identiteter. Nordand, 10 (1): 7-28.

Magnusson, Eliaso J.; Stroud, C. (2012). High Proficiency In Markets of Performance – A Sociocultural Approach to Nativelikeness. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 34, 321-345.

Milani, Tommaso; Jonsson, Rickard (2011). Incomprehensible language? Language, ethnicity and heterosexual masculinity in a Swedish school. Gender and Language. 5 (2) 239 – 236.

Milani, Tommaso; Jonsson, Rickard  (2012).  Who's afraid of Rinkeby Swedish? Public debates and school practices. Journal of Linguistic Anthropology. 22, (1), 44–63.

Milani, Tommaso M.; Jonsson, Rickard & Mhlambi, Innocentia J. (2015). “Shooting the subversive: When “Rinkebysvenska” and “Tsotsitaal” go mainstream in the media”. In B Ailin Svendsen & J. Nortier (Eds). Language, Youth and Identity in the 21st century. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Milani, Tommaso M.; Jonsson, Rickard. “Linguistic citizenship in Sweden: Resistance in a context of linguistic human rights”. In Lisa Lim, Christopher Stroud & Lionel Wee (Eds). The Multilingual Citizen. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.

Mæhlum, Brit; Unn Røyneland (2011). "Lasternes Hule" eller "Civilisationens Arnested"? Byens posisjon i norsk talemålsforskning. I: Nordiskfaget — tradisjon og fornying. Novus Forlag 2011 s. 69—96.

Mæhlum, Brit; Unn Røyneland (2012). Det norske dialektlandskapet. Innføring i studiet av dialekter. Oslo: Cappelen Damm Akademisk.

Møller, J.S. 2021. Etnolingvistisk cornering. T. Kristiansen & A. Holmen (red.), Sprogs status i rigsfælleskabet 2031 (Københavnerstudier i tosprogethed. Studier i parallelsproglighed C13), 115–130. København: Københavns Universitets Humanistiske Fakultet. Linket er her

Nørreby, Thomas Rørbeck (2012). “Jamil Perkersen Nielsen Rasmussen” – En sociolingvistisk undersøgelse af identitet og etnicitet i superdiversiteten. Københavnerstudier i tosprogethed bind 67. København: Københavns Universitet. [”Jamil Perkersen Nielsen Rasmussen” – A Sociolinguistic Study on Identity and Ethnicity in Superdiversity. Copenhagen Studies in Billingualism, Volume 67. Copenhagen: University of Copenhagen.]

Nørreby, Thomas Rørbeck (2016). Ethnic identifications in late modern Copenhagen. In: Madsen, Møller, Karrebæk (eds.), Everyday Languaging. Berlin: De Gryuter Mouton. [Etniske identifikationer i det senmoderne København. I: Madsen, Møller, Karrebæk (red.), Everyday Languaging. Berlin: De Gryuter Mouton.

Nørreby, Thomas Rørbeck; Janus Spindler Møller (2015). Ethnicity and social categorization in on- and offline interaction among Copenhagen adolescents. In: Leppänen, Sirpa; Janus Spindler Møller; Thomas Rørbeck Nørreby; (eds.) Discourse, context and media nr. 8. Lancaster: Elsevier, 46-54. [Etnicitet og social kategorisering i on- og offline interaktion blandt Københavnske unge. I: Leppänen, Sirpa; Janus Spindler Møller; Thomas Rørbeck Nørreby; (red.) Discourse, context and media nr. 8. Lancaster: Elsevier, 46-54.]

Opsahl, Toril; Røyneland, Unn (2009). Osloungdom - født på solsiden eller i skyggen av standardtalemålet?. Norsk lingvistisk tidsskrift.  27(1), s 95—120.

Opsahl, Toril; Unn Røyneland (2016). Reality rhymes – recognition of rap in multicultural Norway. In C. Aliagas, M. R. Garrido & E. Moore (eds.) Hip Hop, language and identity: Bridging organic learning and institutional learning spaces Special Issue of Linguistics and Education.

Palviainen, Å.; Boyd, S. (2013). Unity in Discourse, Diversity in Practice: The One Person One Language Policy in Bilingual Families. Successful Family Language Policy / Eds. M. Schwartz & A. Verschik. Dordrecht: Springer. ISBN/ISSN: 978-94-007-7752-1

Quist, Pia (2010). Untying the language-body-place connection: A study on linguistic variation and social style in a Copenhagen community of practice. I: P. Auer & J.E. Schmidt (eds.): Language and Space. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton, 632-648.

Quist, Pia (2016). Representations of multiethnic youth styles in Danish broadcast media. In: Nikolas Coupland; Janus Mortensen; Jacob Thøgersen (eds.): SLICE. Novus Press.

Quist, Pia (2015). Konstruktion af "perkerdansk" og danskhed i online debatter om multietnisk ungdomsstil. Danske Talesprog, vol 15. 173-192.

Quist, Pia; Bente A. Svendsen (eds.) (2010). Multilingual urban Scandinavia: New linguistic practices. Multilingual Matters.

Rashidi, B. 2022: «En innblikk» i språklige trekk blant ungdommer i multietniske miljøer i Fredrikstad. Masteroppgave: Universitetet i Oslo.

Røyneland, Unn; Mæhlum, Brit (2009). Dialektparadiset Norge - en sannhet med modifikasjoner, I: I.Stampe Sletten; A. Gudiksen (red.),  I Mund og Bog. 25 artikler om sprog tilegnet Inge Lise Pedersen på70-årsdagen d. 5. juni 2009.  Afdeling for dialektforskning, Nordisk forskningsinstitut, Københavns universitet. 17.  s 219—231.

Røyneland, Unn (2016). Hva skal til for å høres ut som du hører til? Forestillinger om dialektale identiteter i det senmoderne Norge. [What should you sound like to sound like you belong? Conceptions of dialectal identities in late modern Norway]. Nordica Helsingensia.

Røyneland, Unn (2016). Sosial og geografisk variasjon, utjamning og ny variasjon frå ca. 1945 til i dag [Social and geographical variation, levelling and new variation from 1945 until present day.] Norsk Språkhistorie, [Norwegian History of Language] NSH-II Praksis, Oslo: Novus.

Stæhr, A. (2014). The appropriation of transcultural flows among Copenhagen youth: The case of Illuminati. In: Jannis Androutsopoulos & Kasper Juffermans (eds.), Superdiversity and digital language practices, Discourse, Context & Media, vol. 4-5, 101-115.

Stæhr, A. (2015). Reflexivity in Facebook interaction - Enregisterment across written and spoken language practices. In: S. Leppänen, J. Møller & T. Nørreby (eds.): Authenticity, Normativity and Social Media, Discourse, Context and Media., vol. 8, 30-45.

Stæhr, A. (2015). Sociale medier og hverdagssprog. In: F. Gregersen & T. Kristiansen (red.), Hvad ved vi nu: om danske talesprog?, Kapitel 7. København: Sprogforandringscentret.

Stæhr, A. (2016). Normativity as a social resource in social media practices. In: Madsen, L. M.; M. S. Karrebæk; J. S. Møller (eds.): Everyday languaging. Collaborative Research on the language use of children and youth. Trends in Applied Linguistics. Mouton De Gruyter.

Stæhr, A., (2016). Languaging on the Facebook wall: Normativity on Facebook. In: K. Arnaut, M. Spotti & M. S. Karrebæk (eds.), Engaging Superdiversity: Recombining spaces, times and language practices, Multilingual Matters.

Stæhr, A.; L. M. Madsen 2016. ‘Ghetto language’ in Danish mainstream rap. In: E. Sippola, B. Schneider & C. Levisen (eds.), Language Ideologies in Music: Emergent Socialities in the Age of Transnationalism,  Language & Communication. 

Stæhr, A.; L. M. Madsen (2015). Standard language in urban rap: Social media, linguistic practice and ethnographic context. Language & Communication, vol. 40, 67-81.

Stæhr, A. (2010). “Rappen reddede os” – Et studie af senmoderne Storbydrenges Identitetsarbejde i Fritids- og Skolemiljøer. København: Københavnerstudier i Tosprogethed, Købehavns Universitet Humanistisk Fakultet, Bind 54.

Stæhr, A. (2010). Identitetskonstruktion ved orientering mod medlemsbundne aktiviteter. In: Rosalia. Fenger & J. Normann Jørgensen (eds.), Sprogbrug og sociale relationer blandt unge, Københavnerstudier i Tosprogethed, Købehavns Universitet, Humanistisk Fakultet, Bind 56, 114-138.

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Publisert 15. nov. 2016 15:39 - Sist endret 20. sep. 2023 14:21