Rafael Lomeu Gomes

Affiliert - Postdoktor
Bilde av Rafael Lomeu Gomes
Telefon +47 22 85 71 79
Treffetider Etter avtale
Besøksadresse Niels Henrik Abels vei 36 Henrik Wergelands hus 0313 Oslo
Postadresse Postboks 1102 Blindern 0317 Oslo

Faglige interesser

  • Språkpolitikk i familien
  • Språk og ideologi
  • Flerspråklighet
  • Identitet

Rafaels forskningsinteresser involverer familiespråkspraksis, diskursanalyse, sørlige teorier og etnografi. Han har en BA i samfunnsvitenskap (Pontifícia Unviersidade Católica de São Paulo - 2010) og en MA i lingvistikk (Queen Mary, University of London - 2015), og hans tverrfaglige bakgrunn gjenspeiles i hans nåværende forskningsprosjekt der han undersøker hvordan lokalisert språk praksis fra brasilianske familier i Norge flettes sammen med sosiale, økonomiske og politiske prosesser på makronivå.

Emneord: Flerspråklighet, Ideologi, Identitet, Migrasjon, Transnasjonalisme


Lomeu, Rafael. I Festival Internacional do Dia do Refugiado: Um relato etnográfico, Ponto Urbe [Online], URL: http://pontourbe.revues.org/3181 ; DOI: 10.4000/pontourbe.3181 

Lomeu Gomes, Rafael. Family Language Policy ten years on: A critical approach to family multilingualism, Multilingual Margins [Online], URL: http://multimargins.ac.za/index.php/mm/article/view/98/71

Se alle arbeider i Cristin

  • Makoni, Sinfree; Madany-Saá, Magda; Antia, Bassey Edem & Lomeu Gomes, Rafael (2022). Decolonial Voices, Language and Race. Multilingual Matters. ISBN 9781800413481.

Se alle arbeider i Cristin

  • Lomeu Gomes, Rafael (2024). Countering standard language ideology through minoritised language practices: Creative expression in music and literature in Norway.
  • Lomeu Gomes, Rafael (2024). Navigating ideological and implementational spaces in upper secondary education in Northern Norway.
  • Lomeu Gomes, Rafael; Pesch, Anja Maria & Sollid, Hilde (2024). Transitions as in-between space in multilingual educational settings.
  • Lomeu Gomes, Rafael (2024). Multilingualism and language learning at the home-school intersection. A case study from Northern Norway.
  • Lomeu Gomes, Rafael (2024). Linguistic repertoire in transitions. Multilingualism in upper secondary education in Northern Norway.
  • Lomeu Gomes, Rafael (2024). Investigating linguistic repertoires with a digital language journal: ethical and methodological reflections.
  • Lomeu Gomes, Rafael (2024). Family multilingualism.
  • Lomeu Gomes, Rafael (2024). Investigating family multilingualism through southern lenses: towards epistemic justice .
  • Lomeu Gomes, Rafael (2024). Digitally-mediated communication as a “safe space” for language learning in the family.
  • Lomeu Gomes, Rafael (2024). Linguistic repertoire in transitions: Language practices and ideologies in educational settings in Northern Norway.
  • Lomeu Gomes, Rafael (2024). Discourses on youth language in Norwegian media.
  • Lomeu Gomes, Rafael (2024). Family Multilingualism.
  • Lanza, Elizabeth & Gomes, Rafael Lomeu (2023). Decolonial and Southern Approaches to Multilingualism: An Introduction. Journal of Multilingual Theories and Practices (JMTP). ISSN 2632-4490. 4(2).
  • Svendsen, Bente Ailin; Ryen, Else; Ims, Ingunn Indrebø; Goodchild, Samantha; Lamb, Gavin Mitchell & Røyneland, Unn [Vis alle 10 forfattere av denne artikkelen] (2023). Language and youth in Norway – practices, spaces and representations.
  • Lanza, Elizabeth; Judith, Purkarthofer; Lexander, Kristin Vold; Objoska, Maria & Gomes, Rafael Lomeu (2023). Family matters - Northern and Southern perspectives.
  • Lomeu Gomes, Rafael (2023). Decolonising multilingualism: Language teaching and learning at the home-school intersection.
  • Lomeu Gomes, Rafael; Opsahl, Toril & Røyneland, Unn (2023). Stemmer som ikke stemmer: forventninger til språk og kropp.
  • Lomeu Gomes, Rafael (2023). Multilinguismo Familiar a partir de uma Perspectiva do Sul.
  • Lomeu Gomes, Rafael (2023). Enacting and negotiating family roles in multilingual interactions: Insights from an ethnographic perspective.
  • Lomeu Gomes, Rafael; Opsahl, Toril & Røyneland, Unn (2023). Imitation game? Karnevalesk humor i media-representasjoner av (andrespråkspreget) norsk.
  • Lomeu Gomes, Rafael (2022). Hierarchies of language practices in Norwegian print media: Is kebabnorsk good enough?
  • Diepeveen, Aafke; Lomeu Gomes, Rafael; Goodchild, Samantha; Ims, Ingunn Indrebø; Johnsen, Ragni Vik & Sollid, Hilde [Vis alle 8 forfattere av denne artikkelen] (2022). Language, Globalisation and the Nation. The workshop series from a Norwegian perspective .
  • Lomeu Gomes, Rafael; Goodchild, Samantha; Ims, Ingunn Indrebø; Johnsen, Ragni Vik; Sollid, Hilde & Svendsen, Bente Ailin (2022). Sociolinguistic change in Norway - from unity («felleskulturen» eller «enhetskulturen”) to linguistic and cultural pluralism?
  • Lomeu Gomes, Rafael (2022). Tecnologias digitais em investigações acerca de multilinguismo familiar: oportunidades e desafios metodológicos.
  • Lomeu Gomes, Rafael (2022). Intercultural translation in ethnographic encounters.
  • Lomeu Gomes, Rafael (2022). Positionality, power, and voice in research with multilingual families.
  • Makoni, Sinfree; Madany-Saá, Magda; Antia, Bassey Edem & Lomeu Gomes, Rafael (2022). Introduction, Decolonial Voices, Language and Race. Multilingual Matters. ISSN 9781800413481. s. 1–13.
  • Opsahl, Toril; Lomeu Gomes, Rafael; Goodchild, Samantha; Ims, Ingunn Indrebø; Lamb, Gavin Mitchell & Røyneland, Unn [Vis alle 7 forfattere av denne artikkelen] (2022). (Re)producing stereotypes in media representations of contemporary urban vernaculars.
  • Lomeu Gomes, Rafael & Svendsen, Bente Ailin (2022). Minoritised youth language in Norwegian media discourse: Surfacing the abyssal line.
  • Lomeu Gomes, Rafael (2021). ‘Eu Sou Criancinha Feliz fra Mamma’: Affect and Multilingualism in Forging Family Ties.
  • Makoni, Sinfree; Lomeu Gomes, Rafael; Antia, Bassey Edem; Madany-Saá, Magda & van der Merwe, Chanel (2021). African Studies Forum on Decoloniality and Southern Epistemologies: Maria Paula Meneses.
  • Makoni, Sinfree; Lomeu Gomes, Rafael; Antia, Bassey Edem; Madany-Saá, Magda & van der Merwe, Chanel (2021). African Studies Forum on Decoloniality and Southern Epistemologies: Susan Gal and Judith Irvine.
  • Makoni, Sinfree; Lomeu Gomes, Rafael; Antia, Bassey Edem; Madany-Saá, Magda & van der Merwe, Chanel (2021). African Studies Forum on Decoloniality and Southern Epistemologies: Teresa McCarty.
  • Makoni, Sinfree; Lomeu Gomes, Rafael; Antia, Bassey Edem; Madany-Saá, Magda & van der Merwe, Chanel (2021). African Studies Forum on Decoloniality and Southern Epistemologies: Mary Hermes, Mel Engman, Aila O'Loughlin and Anna Schick.
  • Makoni, Sinfree; Lomeu Gomes, Rafael; Madany-Saá, Magda; Antia, Bassey Edem & van der Merwe, Chanel (2021). African Studies Forum on Decoloniality and Southern Epistemologies: Gurminder Bhambra.
  • Makoni, Sinfree; Lomeu Gomes, Rafael; Antia, Bassey Edem; Madany-Saá, Magda & van der Merwe, Chanel (2021). African Studies Forum on Decoloniality and Southern Epistemologies: Bernard Spolsky.
  • Makoni, Sinfree; Lomeu Gomes, Rafael; Antia, Bassey Edem; Madany-Saá, Magda & van der Merwe, Chanel (2021). African Studies Forum on Decoloniality and Southern Epistemologies: John Joseph.
  • Makoni, Sinfree; Lomeu Gomes, Rafael; Antia, Bassey Edem; Madany-Saá, Magda & van der Merwe, Chanel (2021). African Studies Forum on Decoloniality and Southern Epistemologies: Kenneth King.
  • Makoni, Sinfree; Lomeu Gomes, Rafael; Antia, Bassey Edem; Madany-Saá, Magda & van der Merwe, Chanel (2021). African Studies Forum on Decoloniality and Southern Epistemologies: Eduardo Kohn and Elizabeth Povinelli.
  • Makoni, Sinfree; Lomeu Gomes, Rafael; Antia, Bassey Edem; Madany-Saá, Magda & van der Merwe, Chanel (2021). African Studies Global Virtual Forum on Decoloniality and Southern Epistemologies: Lewis Gordon.
  • Makoni, Sinfree; Lomeu Gomes, Rafael; Antia, Bassey Edem; Madany-Saá, Magda & van der Merwe, Chanel (2021). African Studies Global Virtual Forum on Decoloniality and Southern Epistemologies: Mahmood Mamdani.
  • Makoni, Sinfree; Lomeu Gomes, Rafael; Antia, Bassey Edem; Madany-Saá, Magda & van der Merwe, Chanel (2021). African Studies Global Virtual Forum on Decoloniality and Southern Epistemologies: Lynn Thomas.
  • Lomeu Gomes, Rafael (2021). 'How do you say it in Portuguese?': Parent-child language negotiation in a multilingual family.
  • Lomeu Gomes, Rafael (2021). Family Language Policy.
  • Lomeu Gomes, Rafael (2021). ‘Du må leke Norge på pappa’: Language and identity negotiation in a Brazilian-Norwegian family.
  • Lomeu Gomes, Rafael; Lanza, Elizabeth & Athari, Zahir (2021). Nanny State? Integration, kinship and identity among refugee and asylum-seeking unaccompanied minors.
  • Lomeu Gomes, Rafael (2020). (Super)diversidade, Migração e Colonialidade.
  • Lomeu Gomes, Rafael (2020). ‘Não Danço Samba’: Multilinguismo Familiar a partir de uma Perspectiva Decolonial.
  • Lomeu Gomes, Rafael (2020). Family Multilingualism through a ‘Translingual Lens’: Current Theoretical Orientations and Challenges.
  • Lomeu Gomes, Rafael (2020). Hvordan få tospråklige barn. [Radio]. https://radio.nrk.no/serie/ekko/sesong/202002/MDFP02003420.
  • Lomeu Gomes, Rafael (2019). Translanguaging families into being: Parental language ideologies, use, and negotiation in a Brazilian-Norwegian family in Norway.
  • Lomeu Gomes, Rafael (2018). Family language policy ten years on: A critical approach to family multilingualism.
  • Lomeu Gomes, Rafael (2018). Family Multilingualism through a Southern Perspective: (Self)Positioning of Brazilian Parents in Intercultural Encounters in Norway​.
  • Lomeu Gomes, Rafael (2018). Family Multilingualism through a Southern Perspective: (Self)Positioning of Brazilian Parents in Intercultural Encounters in Norway.
  • Lomeu Gomes, Rafael (2018). Language practices of Brazilian families in Norway: a southern perspective.
  • Lomeu Gomes, Rafael (2018). Language practices of Brazilian families in Norway: a southern perspective.
  • Lomeu Gomes, Rafael (2017). Language attitudes of Brazilians in Brazil and in the UK: comparing quantitative and qualitative approaches.
  • Lomeu Gomes, Rafael (2019). Family multilingualism: Language practices and ideologies of Brazilian-Norwegian families in Norway. 07 Gruppen.

Se alle arbeider i Cristin

Publisert 21. des. 2016 12:30 - Sist endret 3. juni 2024 21:29
