Ingrid Lossius Falkum

My research interests lie in the semantics and pragmatics of verbal communication. I am interested in how children acquire their pragmatic abilities, enabling them to use language as a means to express their own intentions and make inferences about the intentions of others. I investigate these questions both theoretically and using experimental techniques. I have also done work in lexical semantics and pragmatics, focusing on how word meanings are modulated in context. I am also interested in human interaction with Large Language Models (LLMs), for instance, whether we interpret the ‘utterances’ of LLMs in the same way as we understand each other. I can supervise MA projects in any of these domains, as well as on topics in semantics, pragmatics, experimental linguistics and language acquisition more broadly.


Publisert 5. apr. 2024 09:10 - Sist endret 5. apr. 2024 09:10