Periodic Evaluation of IBS4105 - New Perspectives in Ibsen Studies Spring 2019

Connection to course description and learning outcomes:


The course taught included a selection of contemporary perspectives on Ibsen Studies, ranging from feminism to digital humanities, from soft diplomacy to modern adaptation. As such, it fit well the rather vague course description (“New perspectives in Ibsen Studies chosen from a wide range of topics and methods”) and the learning outcome (“To present and discuss the contemporary trends in Ibsen Studies”). However, the course convener registered a slightly excessive span among the topics proposed and the plays that were object of study.

Proposal: revise thoroughly the course description and learning outcome, and focus the teaching on 3-4 thematic chunks, connected to a monograph or a series of articles, to which to link several Ibsen plays.


Teaching form, environment and exam:


Both the teacher and the students (cf. student evaluation and discussion with student representatives) evaluate positively the mixture of lecture and seminars that characterized this course. Also the exam form – semester paper preceded by a mid-term draft of the same, to which students received feedback – is valued positively.

Proposal: keep the same teaching form and exam.


Oslo, 31 August 2019


Giuliano D’Amico

Publisert 12. sep. 2019 13:42 - Sist endret 12. sep. 2019 13:42