Periodisk emnerapport høst 2016

Materialet som denne rapporten bygger på er hentet fra en rapport om gjennomføringsfakta tatt ut fra Felles studieadministrativt system (FS), samt en elektronisk spørreundersøkelse sendt ut til studentene på emnet.

Statistikk hentet fra spørreundersøkelsen. Svarprosent: 33 %.

  • Karaktersnitt høsten 2016: B
  • Antall studenter høsten 2016: 12
    • Antall bestått: 12
    • Antall ikke møtt: 0
    • Antall stryk: 0

Course evaluation VMS4100, autumn 2016

The course VMS4100 (Philological Theory and Method) was given for the first time the autumn 2016. It is given in English and replaces partly the former NFI4104 (Filologisk teori og metode), that was given in Norwegian. The aim of this course is to give insight into theories and methods related to Old Norse and Celtic philology. Theoretical and methodological questions are discussed with reference to relevant textual material. The students should be acquainted with the philological tool box and how to work with philological tool. VMS4100 will be given every autumn semester.

The change of language code from Norwegian to English was followed by a new syllable. It contents now entirely papers in English.

12 students attended the course in 2016, which is considerably more than the case was for NFI4104 during the former years. Most of the students (8) came from the international master program Viking and Medieval Norse Studies, three came from MAS, one student was not connected to a program. One of the students had Norwegian as a mother language.

The teaching was to a high extent based on discussing papers from the syllable. All the students presented 1-2 articles or chapters followed by a discussion. The students were very cooperative and invested much effort in these presentations. Some discussions were lively and fruitful, others less so. Before the presentations the professor gave a more general introduction to the themes.

The professor (me) was not used to teach in English, and the quality of the lectures could have been better if he could speak his mother tongue. The exclusion of syllable papers in Scandinavian also involves some unhappy thematic limitations.

On the other hand, the students were very industrious, cooperative and constructive, so after all the course functioned well. There was very little absence from the lessons.

Four of the students have submitted evaluation forms. They are all positive.

For students that are interested in the more specific Norwegian parts of the Old Norse Philology, such as study of charters, Scandinavian history of research, and the study of language history, the international profile is not ideal. But it seems to work for international students. A few years ago a handbook for Old Norse Studies (Handbok for norrøn filologi) edited by Odd Einar Haugen was published for (Norwegian) students in the field. Unfortunately it is not available in English, but it can still be a valuable supplement for students who read Norwegian.

Emneord: Emneevaluering Av Jon Gunnar Jørgensen
Publisert 2. feb. 2017 10:50 - Sist endret 22. feb. 2018 12:21