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Fire safety at ILOS

Emergency numbers

  • Fire - 110
  • Police - 112
  • Ambulance - 113

Alarm and Security Centre at UiO: 22 85 66 66

Contact the emergency services first, then the Alarm and Security Centre.

Contact persons for the different floors at ILOS 2023-2025

6th floor:

7th floor:

8th floor:

9th floor:

10th floor:

11th floor:

Contact persons are responsible for knowing the general fire instructions and are responsible for fire protection on their floor.

Fire instructions and user instructions are made known to employees and students with workplaces on the floor.

Contact persons are also responsible for routinely checking escape routes and other fire safety measures on the floor. Errors and deficiencies must be reported to UiO's head of fire protection with a copy to the department's administrative head and case manager for HSE.

In the event of a fire alarm, the contact persons for the different floors must

  • put on a fire safety vest and encourage others on their floor to get out
  • leave the building and ensure that people are not left standing directly outside the front door
  • report to the person in charge at the fire control center about persons who have not left the building and their whereabouts
  • inform users on their floor about why the fire alarm was triggered

Fire protection routines

Routines for the individual employee and student

According to UiO's routines for fire protection, all employees – including temporary and temporary staff – and students with a more or less fixed reading room seat, must know the general fire instructions and otherwise do their part to avoid fire.

Routines for the individual teacher, meeting leader, conference leader and the like

Anyone who at all times has a leadership position in teaching rooms, conference rooms and the like (teachers and conference leaders), is responsible for evacuating the room when the alarm goes off.

Routines for the contact persons for the different floors

The contact persons must participate in the work to prevent fire. When the fire alarm goes off, they must put on a fire vest and try to get everyone on the floor out.

See Function description for Floor Contact

For teaching and conference rooms, the floor manager's responsibility is limited to reporting errors and deficiencies.

Routines for the institute management

Managers of units at UiO are responsible for keeping up-to-date lists of floor and department managers in their own operations. The unit manager must ensure that the floor managers attend a mandatory firefighting course that is organized regularly.

ILOS, by administrative manager, has chosen to appoint floor contacts for two years at a time, starting 01.01. The fire protection manager for the area (local area manager in the technical department) must have an overview of floor and unit contacts in his area.

The head of the department is the head of the unit. At ILOS, responsibility is taken care of by the administrative manager. An overview of floor contacts with goods is sent to the Property Department so they have the overview they need. Ragnhild Norheim Førland keeps an overview and ensures that it is sent to the Unit for HSE and emergency preparedness, starting for floor contacts from 01.01.

According to the fire instructions for the unit manager, the unit manager must keep updated lists of floor contacts. An overview of floor contacts with period and information on whether fire instructions have been signed, as well as participation in fire protection courses is available in excel in the institute's common area (folder).

Routines for administration consultant

The administration consultant ensures that all new hires (including temps and other temporary employees) receive fire instructions for users to sign. Signed fire instructions are kept at Ragnhild Norheim Førland's office for registration and archiving.

Signed instructions are kept in a file box marked HMS ILOS 2006 - in office 908 NT where Ragnhild Norheim Førland takes care of the practical work with the instructions.

More about Fire protection

Published June 8, 2023 10:33 AM - Last modified June 20, 2023 1:50 PM