Ingeborg Misje Bergem

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Mobile phone +4795410414
Room 928

Academic interests

I am currently writing a PhD on the Yellow Vest Movement and the crisis of representation in France. The Yellow Vest Movement started out as a protest against proposed fuel taxes, but soon developed into a broader movement concerned with democratic reform, more direct democracy, better socioeconomic rights for the poorer segments of society, an augmentation in the minimum wage and better public services. 

In my PhD I investigate how the Yellow Vest Movement is a part of the ongoing crisis of representation in France, and, more broadly, in the West, and what role the Yellow Vest Movement plays in the French political landscape. 

In 2021, I interviewed participants of the Yellow Vest Movement, in addition to be an observing participant in Yellow Vest Movement demonstrations, as well as Anti Health Pass-demonstrations. 

My PhD-supervisor is associate professor Kjerstin Aukrust (University of Oslo) and my co-supervisor is Olivier Baisnée (Sciences Po Toulouse).

Courses taught

I will begin teaching after handing in my PhD in 2023. 


I received my Master's degree in political science and French Area Studies from the University of Oslo, Sciences Po Paris and Sorbonne Paris in 2018. My Master dissertation was concerned with the development of the notion of laïcité in the discourse of the Rassemblement National. 

From 2017 til 2020 I worked as a journalist in the Norwegian daily Vårt Land



2021: Scholarship from Centre Universitaire de Norvège à Paris 

2017: Scholarship from the foundation Fritt Ord

2016: Scholarship from Center for Research on Extremism - University of Oslo. Senter for ekstremismeforskning ved Universitetet i Oslo (CREX)


Tags: French, social movements, French politics, Yellow Vest Movement, left-wing populism, right-wing populism, crisis of representation, democracy, direct democracy, populism, French history, laïcité, secularism, contemporary French politics


View all works in Cristin

  • Bergem, Ingeborg Misje (2020). Hvem har ansvar for å ha skapt det utenforskapet mange franske muslimer opplever? Morgenbladet. ISSN 0805-3847.
  • Aukrust, Kjerstin; Orban, Franck & Bergem, Ingeborg Misje (2020). Hva er "laïcité"? Med Ingeborg Misje Bergem. [Internet]. Podkasten Frankrike forklart.
  • Bergem, Ingeborg Misje (2018). Quelle laïcité? Analyse de l’adaptation de Marine Le Pen d’un concept républicain . Universitetet i Oslo.

View all works in Cristin

Published Aug. 18, 2020 9:22 AM - Last modified Aug. 9, 2022 3:26 PM

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