Ragnhild Vindhol Nessheim

professor emeritus

Academic interests

The British press; the press/politics relationship; newspaper rhetoric

(Popular) fiction as illustration and documentation of British life and institutions


University lecturer / amanuensis, British Civilisation Studies, Department of English / IBA, 1971-92; Senior Lecturer / førsteamanuensis (Associate Professor), British Civilisation Studies, IBA / ILOS, 1992-2005.

Dr. philos., University of Oslo 1992. Dissertation: "British Political Newspapers and Women's Suffrage, 1910-1918".

Selected publications



Press, Politics and Votes for Women, 1910-1918. Published as Vol. 10 in the Acta Humaniora Series. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget, 1997. 383 pp.

"Politics and the Press in the 1990s: An Essay on the Political Alignment and Role of National Newspapers in the General Elections 1992 and 1997." English Studies Vol 82 No 4, 2001.

"Fact in Jane Austen's Fiction". In Lothe, Pellicer, Rem (ed.), Literary Sinews: Essays in Honour of Bjørn Tysdahl. Oslo: Novus Press, 2003.

"The Novels of Dorothy L. Sayers: Source Material for a Study of Inter-War Society?" In Christopher Dean (ed.), Further Studies in Sayers: Essays Presented to Dr. Barbara Reynolds on her 90th Birthday. The Dorothy L. Sayers Society, 2004.

"British National Newspapers and the Blair Government. Part I: 'The Easy Ride, 1997-2001'". English Studies Vol 88 No 6, 2007.

"British National Newspapers and the Blair Government. Part II: 'How Tony Blair became "Tony B. Liar" and Nearly Caused Another Realignment of the Murdoch Press'". English Studies Vol 89 No 1, 2008.

Politics and the Press in Britain, 1992-2010. Oslo: Kolofon Forlag, 2012. 169 pp.

"The Press versus John Major". British Politics Review Vol 7 No 2, Spring 2012.



"Den nord-irske konflikten i historisk perspektiv". NRK: P2-Akademiet (1998), Vol. 16 (2000).

"Reading and Teaching Harry Potter as 'British Civilisation'". Språk og Språkundervisning No 2, 2002.

"Britenes valg". Dag og Tid, 28 May 2010.

"Jane Austen: Kva ville ho med livet?" Dag og Tid, 18 May 2012.

"Sauebonden som vart ein internettsensasjon". Dag og Tid, 21 October 2016.



Co-author, Day-to-Day Britain: British Background for Senior Schools. Oslo: Fabritius, 1973, rev. ed. 1979.

Editor, Aspects of British Civilisation: An Anthology. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget, 1981.


Unpublished work

Ragnhild og Erik Nessheim, Til våre barnebarn (2015). Family history; also social and political history which sketches in the authors' professional careers.


Work in progress

A study of (individual members of) the "Johnson Club". The relationship between the "Conservatism" of Edmund Burke and Dr. Johnson's Toryism.

Published Jan. 26, 2018 11:20 AM - Last modified Feb. 4, 2018 1:38 PM