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Center for Slavic and Eastern European Studies

A wide, two story, baroque palace with a baby blue color with a garden in front. Photo.
Mariinsky Palace in Kyiv, Ukraine. Photo: Roman Naumov.

The Center for Slavic and Eastern European Studies at the University of Oslo promotes in-depth knowledge of Russia and the post-Soviet states, Central Europe, and the Balkans.

Specialists on Eastern Europe

The Center’s academic staff specialises in languages, literature, culture, history, politics, and society in this part of the world. The Center was established in 2019 and serves as a hub for scholars in the field, and a platform for promoting knowledge to the public.

The Center regularly hosts seminars where we invite staff researchers, as well as researchers from other institutions, to lecture on topics of current interest. We welcome anyone interested to participate.


There are no planned events at the Center at this time.


Study opportunities

There are several study programs available for those who are particularly interested in Slavic and Eastern European studies. The programs are taught in Norwegian.

Old stone bridge over a vlear blue river. Approximately fifty people stand on the bridge. Photo
The old bridge in Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Photo: Raystoen