Reading "The Artificial Silk Girl"

For this round of the exploratory reading group, we will discuss Irmgard Keun’s novel The Artificial Silk Girl.

A Berlin street at night

Unsplash / Photo: S. Widua

In this session, we discuss Irmgard Keun’s novel The Artificial Silk Girl. In the novel, Keun tells of the ambitions and the hardships of a young woman trying to make her wayin the Berlin of the "Roaring" 1920s

For this session we will read:

  • Keun, Irmgard. The Artificial Silk Girl. Translated by Kathie von Ankum. Penguin, 2019.

The session will be led by Christian Janss, professor of German Literature at ILOS.

About the reading group
Mats Haraldsen and Sarah Bro Trasmundi are starting an exploratory reading group, where we read a mix of stories and academic texts. The aim is to discuss readings that we have wanted to read for some time — or simply read a text again and discuss it with people coming from completely different fields. No specific field expertise is required to join.

People can join as they please — and should not feel obliged to attend every time or for all readings of a text. However, let us know prior to each session if you plan on attending, by contacting or


Published Jan. 15, 2024 10:22 AM - Last modified Jan. 15, 2024 10:22 AM