LCE Salon – Feline Edition

Can literary texts facilitate dialogue between the disciplines? In this LCE Salon, we discuss short stories with cats as protagonists and narrators to reflect on disciplinary knowledge structures and methods.

Old salon

Photo: Unsplash / Nicola Nuttall

The LCE salon explores methods, knowledge structures and research objects between disciplines in a novel way. Literary texts serve as the basis for this interdisciplinary exchange, provoking reflections on the limits of disciplinary knowledge and facilitating dialogues across these boundaries.


14.15 -
Welcome (Silvio Bär and Karin Kukkonen)
14.30 - 15.45

Discussion of Natsume Soseki, I am a Cat; Haruki Murakami “Abandoning a Cat”, and E.A. Poe, “The Black Cat”

Chair: Karin Kukkonen

Speakers: Reiko Abe Auestad, Rebecca Suter, Rolf Reber and Silvio Bär

15.45 -
Coffee Break
16.00 - 17.15      

Discussion of Snorre Edda, and Carter, “Puss in Boots”

Chair: Silvio Bär

Speakers: Stefka Eriksen, Karin Kukkonen and Jasmin Richter

17.15 - 18.00

Final Discussion


This LCE Salon assembles

In this salon, we read

  • Angela Carter, “Puss in Boots”
  • Haruki Murakami, “Abandoning a Cat”
  • Edgar Alan Poe, “The Black Cat”
  • Natsume Soseki, "I am a Cat" (chapter 1)
  • Snorre Sturlason, Snorre-Edda


Published Feb. 19, 2024 10:11 AM - Last modified Mar. 22, 2024 2:10 PM