LCE Master Study Group

The LCE Study Group  is an offer for master students who  want to exchange thoughts, ideas, and literary experiences with fellow students.

A group of young people sitting in a meeting room. Photo.

Photo: Unsplash

The group is associated with LCE (Literature, Cognition and Emotion). We will discuss issues and topics related to literature, reading and the mind. The meetings are planned for open discussion around the topics of your thesis to motivate and inspire one another. Everything that has to do with literature, cognition and emotions is welcome at the study group. 

We will read and discuss texts based on our shared interest. During the semester, we also plan to invite teachers to attend the meetings for further inspiration and discussion. 

The first meeting will be held October 20 at 16.00 PM., PAM seminarrom 3.

Please contact Oda Norén should you wish to join:



By Pernille Høegh
Published Oct. 11, 2021 8:41 AM - Last modified Feb. 23, 2022 1:11 PM